40 Reasons Australia is the Land of “Nope”

Published on October 20, 2019

The Land Of Lizards

Australia is home to a variety of intimidating lizards, with names like Gila Monster, Filled Lizard, and Thorny Devil. Scientists previously thought only two species of venomous lizards existed in the world; however, they have just discovered two more, both in Australia. Thankfully, these lizards don’t produce enough venom to do any real harm. The real danger is in the sheer size of these lizards can reach. Pictured above is a Goanna, the modern-day equivalent to a dinosaur. One subspecies of the Goanna is known to grow over 8.2ft long.

Land Of Lizards

Land Of Lizards

Lizard Eating Spider

This terrifying creature is called the Huntsman Spider, but it also goes by the name Lizard Eating Spider. Yes, Lizard-Eating Spider. This spider is capable of killing lizards, rats, and other small creatures. Despite its nightmarish appearance, the Hunstams Spider actually isn’t considered dangerous as it has no venom and is not hostile towards humans. As long as you don’t bother it, it won’t bother you. Many Australians even welcome the presence of these spiders on their property to keep away nuisance animals like cockroaches.

Lizard Eating Spider

Lizard Eating Spider