Abandoned Places Around The World That Are Absolutely Stunning

Published on February 2, 2023

The Maunsell Sea Forts, England

These structures are quite Wellsian in appearance, but they’re not part of a set of a sci-fi film. They’re in fact giant metal towers built on the Thames in order to help protect England from air raids from Germany during WWII. They were decommissioned in the 1950’s and were then used as pirate radio operators. Now they are used as a tourist attraction and can be seen from Showbury East Beach or by boat.

The Maunsell Sea Forts, England

The Maunsell Sea Forts, England

Canfranc International Railway Station, Spain

The Canfranc International Railway Station was once one of the most glorious of its time, as it used to be the largest rail station in Europe when it was built in 1928. Eight years later, it was impacted by the Spanish Civil War and later a WWII Nazi occupation. While it has gone through a few tries of renovations, now the area has been updated and turned into public park spaces.

Canfranc International Railway Station, Spain

Canfranc International Railway Station, Spain