Woman’s Bed Sheets Not Washed in 100 Years

Published on January 31, 2022

Dan Isn’t Too Happy About This

Both Dan and Haley are a bit on the OCD side, so it is no surprise that this ban on cleaners does not sit well with Dan. He is more than a little bit surprised at being told only to use water and a sponge to clean the house. Water is great for cleaning, but it cannot replace cleaners and be expected to actually, you know, clean.



Dust Suddenly Isn’t the Worst of It

Haley takes the news even worse than Dan. She is immediately horrified that Cornelia just doesn’t seem to care that water doesn’t kill bacteria. She says that she can live with a little bit of bacteria. Needless to say, this doesn’t sit well with Haley, who is regretting her decision more by the minute. We can’t say that we blame her.

Haley Is Worried About The Bacteria

Haley Is Worried About The Bacteria