Woman’s Bed Sheets Not Washed in 100 Years

Published on January 31, 2022

The Scene of Many Fights and Deaths

Any bar is sure to see its’ own fair share of drunken fights and brawls, but a bar that caters to smugglers and pirates is sure to have many more. The Jamaica Inn is certainly no exception. Over the years, many smugglers and others have met their end at the Jamaica Inn. While only a few of these stories are recited today, they each add to the unique history of this haunted inn.

Jamaica Inn Bar

Jamaica Inn Bar

Today They Use It for Branding 

The best part about staying at an old inn or house is the history, and Jamaica Inn certainly has plenty of it. Walking into centuries-old buildings allows you to step back in time and experience history in a way that museums simply can’t offer. The Jamaica Inn has grabbed onto its history and is using it to promote itself. Even the sign outside warns visitors that the inn was once home to every kind of criminal.

Few Places Have The Unique History Of Jamaica Inn

Few Places Have The Unique History Of Jamaica Inn