Woman’s Bed Sheets Not Washed in 100 Years

Published on January 31, 2022

The Plumbing Nightmare Gets Worse

A leaky faucet is the least of their worries when it comes to the plumbing. The bath does not have hot water, only cold. To make matters worse, they cannot even use the bath because the water comes out rusty. This, needless to say, does not set well with Haley and Dan. We certainly can’t blame them this time. We aren’t sure we would want to take a bath in this haunted house anyway.

Taking A Bath In The Most Haunted Bathroom

Taking A Bath In The Most Haunted Bathroom

The Bathroom Just Feels Spooky

This bathroom was built in the 1600s and is in the most haunted house in Wales, so our perception may be a little bit skewed, but this is one creepy-looking bathroom. That claw tub looks like the perfect way to relax, right before the ghosts make you drown and join them. Yeah, we definitely think they got lucky by not having a working bath, even if they do have to do without one for a week.

This Bathroom Is Creepy

This Bathroom Is Creepy