Bad Day
Car vs. Snowplow
Toronto, Canada is one of the most beautiful cities in the world. But during the winter, it transforms into a Day After Tomorrow survival style scenario. From temperatures that reach below negative 13 degrees to snow reaching heights of up to 5 feet, one can only imagine the perils of living in a winter wonderland. For one Toronto resident, his peril came in the form of a snowplow. Not sure if the car was completely shrouded in snow or if the job was done the night before but whatever the case, we are sure they won’t park here again.

Car Damaged In The Snow
Window Washer Fluid
Let’s face it, many of us have no idea how our cars operate. Most of us are aware of the basics, but unless we grew up in a family full of mechanics, tire and oil changes are where most of our expertise lands. One woman in France, however, managed to accidentally pour window washer fluid into the oil sump, 1.3 gallons worth. The car began to emit blue smoke from beneath the hood, and the picture below is what mechanics at one BMW shop found after checking the engine.

BMW Mini Coated In Melted Oil
The Scorn of Allergies
Every child dreams of having a pet, a companion that would never leave their side. A pet can be an only friend to many, and help bring joy to our lives. For one little girl, the idea of having a new best friend was short-lived after finding out about her hidden allergy not too long after gaining the cat she always wanted. The disappointment on the child’s face is heartbreaking. Let’s hope scientists find a way to reverse engineer a remedy to the allergy epidemic.

Child With A Cat
It Came for the Grill
Wind can be a powerful beast. Storms can reach speeds of over 100 miles an hour, destroying everything in its way. For this person, instead of pulling the easy-to-retrieve lawn chairs into the pool beside them, the wind decided to go for the grill 30 feet away. Imagine walking outside of your home, heaving in the morning air, armed with a spatula and charcoal, only to see your grill buried beneath the surface of your pool. It’s safe to say, the wind, in its physical form, would be a vegetarian.

Grill Under Water
A Little Snickers Humor
Have you ever had a hunger so bad that only a Snickers bar could quench? As the king of curing cravings, it seems like the most obvious choice in that sort of situation. That is until a cruel twist of fate decides to play an astronomical practical joke on you via a candy bar. The fact that the word denied printed on the wrapper doesn’t help to improve the situation. It may be time to update the design of the vending machine.

Snickers In A Vending Machine
Sink Through Window
Cars are a fantastic invention; they help us travel long distances in a short amount of time and add much-needed convenience and freedom. Sinks were also a great invention, decreasing the risk of infection and helps keep us clean. Together, however, they don’t have much of a positive effect, especially if the sink is flown through the windshield of your only form of transportation. How it ended up there is a mystery, and the person who caused the incident may never come forth.

Sink Through A Window
If it weren’t for ATM’s, we would be trapped in a line of up to 30 people, shifting in our stance while we wait for the bank clerk to count an old lady’s many pennies to dispense into her account. ATM’s offer a convenience that many in the olden day’s will never get to experience. Unfortunately, they are created by humans, and all human inventions are subject to a breakdown. Just so happens that this particular ATM decided to shut down after accepting the customers card.

ATM Shutting Down
Down the Gopher Whole
Marriage can be a wonderful thing for many and a burden for others, and the cost of an engagement ring can put a strain on the finances of newlyweds. Hearing that one word, ‘yes,’ from the one you love can make the potential debt worth it, but not if the ring decides to take a dive into a gopher whole. Diamond rings aren’t cheap, and the fact that those diamonds aren’t worth as much as you spend, makes this situation worse.

Couple Searching For A Ring
Car Trapped in a Hard Space
Many have made jokes about what construction workers really do when they block off long stretches of highways and streets while forcing you into long lines of traffic, while nothing really seems to get done. For this particular driver, the joke was on them. Considering the fact construction workers always set up signs with parking times that correspond with their work time, it may be safe to say the driver was given a warning. Nothing will stop a worker from getting a job done, especially a driver who ignores a warning sign.

Car Trapped By Construction
Obesity is on the rise all around the world, climbing past worrying numbers with 39.6% being in the U.S. alone. Most blame the American diet for our expanding waistlines. No matter the reason or method of how a particular person reached their size, it’s never comforting to hear that you’re too big to fit inside a standard medical device. One can only imagine how the person felt hearing that he’d have to use a machine used to weigh in animals.

A Golden Chance
Football is one of the most popular sports in America, with an average of 16.5 million attending the games, and 260 million tuning in through television. Tickets can get rather expensive, so whenever there is an opportunity to win tickets to a big game, most jump at the opportunity. For one man, the opportunity was missed. He discovered the box of soap given to him a few years prior after purchasing it from a charity, contained a voucher to claim free tickets.

Golden Ticket
A day couldn’t get worse than this. You obey the law, follow the rules, and someone swoops in and flips everything on its head. Not only did the hit-and-run driver decide not to leave a curtesy note, but they managed to get the poor guy a ticket, with a $43 dollar price tag, for an accident he took no part in. Luckily, tickets can be challenged. At least his coworker can keep a positive attitude through an otherwise devastating situation.

Man With A Damaged Car And Ticket
Through the Looking Hole
Sun visors are a gift sent from the car gods when it comes to blocking the blinding rays from the sun. For most cars, the visors are carefully selected to fit the particular model, but many will have their flaws. Some are too short, some are too long, and some have holes in an area to ensure direct sunlight into your eye. The man’s face clearly displays the frustration and anger we all would have in that situation. Time for a trip to the dealer.

Sun Visor Shining Light In Man’s Face
A Crappy Mistake
The Roomba was invented in September in 2002, and has been a staple in households that can afford it ever since. It offers a convenience that allows you to lounge around your house while the robot cleans away. Dogs and Roomba’s don’t seem to mix well, especially if man’s best friend uses the house as his personal toilet, and Roomba decides to use it as a new decoration. Luckily, all it needs is a quick clean-up, and its back to making lives easier.

Roomba And The Mess It Made
Our homes are our sanctuaries, offering us a sense of peace and safety. Long before we move in, we are under the impression that the building is up to code, and that everything is where it should be. We never expect the place we lay our heads to be a death trap, until the unfortunate event of a collapsed ceiling stares us in the face. Nearly the entire ceiling caved in, leaving a huge mess for the homeowner to deal with.

A Collapsed Ceiling
The Irony of a Cut
The many things a band aid can be used for. They can stop our bleeding, lower the risks of infections, keep bacteria from entering our bloodstream; they have plenty of benefits. The box, however, never had much use other than holding those precious blood stoppers, until now. Now, you too can have a box that gives you an immediate reason to use its product, just head down to the grocery store and purchase a box for only $4.99. Results may vary.

Man With Cut Finger
Drunk Guy Lost His Pizza
Pizza has become a staple in the American diet since its introduction. With pizza night and the occasional frat party, it has become the most sought-after food item across the states. Ordering it while drunk, however, is probably not the best idea. Whatever the cost of that pizza was, it was most certainly not worth it. The pizza looks to be missing a few toppings as well, only three slices of pepperoni appeared to make it onto the pizza.

Man With Pizza On The Floor
Not an IPad
Ordering anything off the internet is a risk, especially if you are buying from an unverified buyer or a website other than Amazon. More often than not, people usually get the item they ordered, but there has been plenty of examples of scams all over the internet. The woman who received the item in the picture was probably excited once it arrived in the mail, excited to tear into the box and start using the new gadget. Once things for sure, they most likely got the weight right.

IPad Box Filled With Coins
The Bus is Here
The days of school for many are days that many people would rather forget. The long hours, bullies, and homework made most of the experience uneventful. We always awaited the moments of the day that something would go wrong, but we never expect the bus driver to ram full speed into our home. The damage is pretty severe, most likely totaling over $8,000 at the least. Due to the damage, there was most likely no school for many children that day, and a hefty bill for the bus company.

Bus Through House
The Cabinet Debacle
Most houses are built with the highest level of safety in mind. From the structure to the tiles, from the cabinets to the doors, each bit is planned out to ensure the utmost perfection. It’s unclear whether or not this was a homeowner error or a construction error, but whatever was responsible certainly didn’t bother to uphold the usual pursuit to safety. The fact every single cabinet in that line dislodged from the wall, it makes you wonder what else isn’t up to code?

Broken Cabinets
Red on Red
Without firetrucks, we’d all be gathering in droves, buckets filled with water in hand, splashing it onto the fire in order to put out the fire. They are always there to put out a growing fire, armed with a pressurized water hose. It’s always a bit shocking to see the one vehicle used to fight fires having to fight a fire of its own. The million-dollar question is, should the truck put out its own fire, or call for backup?

Firetruck On Fire
It Belongs to the Croc
The older generation loves to mock millennials about their cell phone usage. They say our faces are glued into our phones, making us unaware of the world that surrounds us. Although, for the most part, it is technically true, they never bother to point out the growing epidemic of crocodile cell phone users. A woman managed to drop her phone into the crocodile exhibit at the zoo, providing the animal a newfound way to keep in touch with the other reptiles back at the wetlands.

Crocodile With Cell Phone
Coaster of Fear
Amusement parks have been a source of many people’s happiness for years, providing merriment and excitement in the lives of many. Despite the variety of rides scattered across them, the roller coaster is the highlight of the park. With any massive machinery, there are risks, and roller coasters have the highest rate of accidents across all amusement parks. Still, people risk it anyway, ready to experience the thrill. Although most never think they would be the ones to be trapped on one, nothing is impossible and can happen to anyone.

People Trapped On A Roller Coaster
Not the Bees!
Bugs, more specifically bees, strike fear into the hearts of many. Their painful stings and annoying buzzes make us want to steer clear of the nasty pests as much as possible. Doing so is kind of hard to do if you’re trying to head to work the next morning, only to see that they are now using your vehicle as a portable bee hive. At this point, all you can do is call a beekeeper, or set your car on fire.

Car Covered In Bees
An Inky Dilemma
This isn’t the first time a printer’s toner has exploded inside its host, and it will definitely not be the last. Installing it is slightly tricky, and if done wrong, it can result in the inky mess seen below. Office printers are usually pretty expensive, so the likelihood of them having to spend an abundance of money for another is inevitable. The mess itself may take hours, even days to clean, a job most would not want to volunteer for.

A Printer Surrounded By Toner
A PSA Failure
Health has become a hot topic within our society ever since we became more conscious about what we put inside our bodies. We have set physical fitness on a pedi stool, reinforcing it to anyone who will listen. Whoever set up this ad on this elevator must have forgotten that a good portion of the population have some sort of disability, and would not have the added fortune of walking down the stairs. Hopefully this gentleman was able to find a way to his destination.

A Man At An Elevator
A Birthday Tragedy
Everyone expects their birthday to be a time of joy and celebration at any age. No one expects anything to go wrong, just smooth sailing, enjoying the day you came into this world. This woman certainly didn’t expect to have her hair caught on fire but the very candles meant to symbolize the merriment of being one year older. Even as her brunette locks burn, she tries to keep a happy expression, a little optimism in a terrible situation.

Lady With Hair On Fire
Morning Joe
The morning cup of coffee has become a regular start to the typical American’s day. The hot cup of joe filled with caffeine puts to be the grogginess one feels after waking up the next day, however, some people continue with that sluggishness all the way up to when the cup is made. The person must have woken up on the wrong side of the bed, and now that beautiful cup of morning sunshine is now spilled all over the kitchen counter.

Coffee Spilled Next To A Coffee Maker
Oil Spill
Olive oil, to most, is considered a major health food in preparing many things. From a topping on a salad to scrambling eggs, it’s thought of as a hail marry when it comes to cooking. The bottles aren’t cheap, with many spending upwards of around $6 to $13 a bottle for the stuff, it’s pretty well sought after. The unfortunate tragedy of having the entire stock broken and leaking out all over the grocery store floor will leave many without their miracle oil for quite some time.

Olive Oil Spilled In A Store
Construction can be a dangerous job, and the precautions most of them take to keep themselves safe, are needed to keep the accidents to a minimum. Gloves, hardhats, steel-toed shoes, all of which are necessary to keep the workers and the public safe. This man may have been in a rush. Maybe the deadline was quickly approaching and he wanted to get the job done on time? Whatever the reason, he knows to take the necessary precautions to keep himself from becoming a part of the foundation.

Nail Through Man’s Hand
Fried Apple
Apple computers can be expensive so most go above and beyond to protect their investment. This person made a grave mistake when they accidentally set their laptop too close to an open flame. The candle burned a hole completely through the laptop, burning so long that it allowed the candle to burn out. Not sure if the employees at the genius bar knows how to fix this. It may be time to invest in yet another expensive laptop.

Apple Laptop Burned By Candle
Here’s Johnny
Trees are amazing. They supply a lot of the air we breathe while exchanging it for the deadly C02 that we exhale. Trees are a necessary part of our existence, but if put in the wrong hands, they can be tools for destruction. This worker stands with a look of bewilderment as he ponders his life choices, trying to think of a way to remedy the problem. It’s a good thing the house is not moved into yet by the looks of it.

Tree Branch Breaks A Window
One for the Money
This man was charged almost $20 for onion rings, but not as a whole, individually. The delicious rings range from $0.70 to $0.69, with around 26 rings rung up for his order. Most restaurants tend to only charge around $2 to $4 for the same product, and unless these were gourmet, this particular restaurant should stick to doing the same. There is also an added tax amount for $1.71, what this tax entails, we may never know.

A Man Charged For Individual Onion Rings
Don’t Tell Their Wives
These two men were caught at a sports game while they are, as their signs say, supposed to be at work. Many men work up the narrative that their wives never allow them to leave their house, locking them away with a metaphorical ball and chain. These men most likely got an ear full from their wives once they arrived home from their ‘hard day’s work.’ To be a fly on the wall in either of their homes would be very entertaining.

Two Men With Signs
A ‘Hole’ Lot of Problems
This woman is most likely not a sewer cleaner or someone deep-sewer diving for lost treasure. How she ended up in this situation is unknown. Maybe she wasn’t watching where she was walking; perhaps she dropped her phone through the slits and tried to fish it out? Maybe she heard the sound of a lost dog barking away from inside the sewer and wanted to play rescue. Whatever the reason, she most likely won’t do this again.

Woman Stuck In Hole
Titanic Fail
The movie, Titanic, was created in the year 1997. It starred Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet. It was hailed one of the greatest romance movies of its time, with many trying to recreate its most iconic scene. This moment probably started off as a romantic gesture, until a bird decided to crash-land into this woman’s face, ruining the recreation. The bird probably wasn’t a massive fan of the movie, which is understandable. Not everyone likes drama or romance. The bird must be an action or horror fan.

A Bird Attacking A Woman’s Face
Boat Overboard
People spend most of their lives saving up for the lavish commodities that are usually hard to achieve in life. A boat is thought of as a staple of wealth and prestige. Most people who buy boats want to show off, and to have it completely submerged underwater is a devastating blow. The men look a bit distraught as they ponder possible ways to fish the boat out of the water. Hopefully, it won’t cost more than the ship itself to rescue it.

Boat Underwater
A Door, Separated
Car manufacturers try to put as much effort as they can into modeling a car, making it the best quality possible. Most are usually in excellent condition, only having minute problems every several years. It is unknown how long this person had the car, but the manufacturer who made it didn’t bother to check if the door was completely secure. Most never get to see what the skeletal insides of their car look like; this person can scratch that off their bucket list.

Broken Door
Cracked Egg
The last thing anyone wants is to go into work on a day they really didn’t want to, only to have something astronomically horrible happen that makes the day a living hell. Most people work at places they hate, and this situation probably didn’t make it better. You can tell by the man’s face that he wants the day to end as quickly as possible. Anyone would hate to have to clean up that mess.

Broken Eggs
The Great Head Rescue
What’s worse than getting your head stuck and having the fire department come and rescue you? Having to be rescued by the fire department in public for all to see. This situation would be embarrassing for anyone, especially when people begin to take photos of your unfortunate accident. How she managed to get her head stuck is unclear. It was possibly the result of a dare or a horrible bet. Let’s hope she learned her lesson about sticking her head in places it doesn’t belong.

Stuck Head
The Halloween Debacle
Many people around the world love Halloween, especially children. The idea of dressing up as your favorite imaginary monster or movie character and getting massive amounts of candy from strangers is a dream that only comes true in October. The smiling faces on almost everyone in the picture are overshadowed by the little girl falling off of the swing in the background. No one seems to notice that she is about to have the worst Halloween of her life.

Kids In Halloween Costumes
White Water Rafting
Rafting on the open waters can be both an enjoyable and dangerous activity. The water can get pretty treacherous; anything can happen while you’re having fun, and turn a wonderful day into a nightmare. The man in the back of the raft is having the worst day of his life, being thrown overboard while his friends are none the wiser. Luckily, he has a life vest; let’s all hope the current doesn’t take him too far from civilization.

Man Falling Out Of Raft
Leg in the Hole
Most believe there is nothing safer than being in your own home. No one expects their home to turn on them and force them through the floor, feet first. The ceiling looks sturdy, but looks can be deceiving. It is unclear if the man was doing renovations to his home or if the floor just gave way, but it is an unfortunate situation nonetheless. It may be time to either by a new home or get an inspector to look for any other violations.

Man Through Ceiling
Instant Shower
Training for the military can be a tiring and excruciating process. The physical needs of military training can leave one begging for a gallon of water to demolish. The man on the right got more than what he bargained for in terms of the relieving qualities of water. The unfortunate placement of the sprinkler right next to the group results in the man being sprayed with water. At least he can be completely cooled off for the intense workout that is sure to come.

Military Camp
New Paint Job
The owner of this vehicle is having probably one of the worst days of their life. Cars are tough to clean sometimes, especially if an explosion of paint covers the interior. They should have probably made sure the tops of the paint cans were secure. Paint dries pretty quickly, so they may want to get that vehicle cleaned up as soon as they can. They should also never put paint inside their car again.

Paint Explosion In A Car
Painted into a Corner
This situation is worse than mopping yourself into a corner and waiting for the water to dry. What’s worse is that most paint takes around six to seven hours to dry. That man clearly didn’t think this through; he should have painted himself into a bigger spot, at least then he’d be able to sit and be a lot more comfortable for his seven-hour wait. Maybe next time, he can construct a better plan for painting.

Painter On Roof
And Then They Came Tumbling Down
For those who had the fortune of attending a summer camp as a kid would most likely report on good times. Daily activities with counselors, hiking through the woods, making new friends, all highlights of a summer spent well. For these poor unfortunate souls, their experience turned into a nightmare. The bridge they assumed was sturdy to walk across gave way, plummeting them to the ground. Some try to hold on the worn-down wood, while others aren’t so lucky.

People Falling Off A Bridge
No Money Blues
We’ve all been there, wanting to experience life and explore the world when we only have a torn five-dollar bill, a few coins, and a button to our name. The contents of this person’s pocket entirely sum up the sadness one feels after splurging on fast food and Justin Timberlake albums, only to realize all of the money for personal entertainment is now sitting the cash registers of nameless stores. This picture hits us all on a personal level.

Person With Coins
Mama Mia, Not the Pizza!
Pizza is an American favorite for celebrations, parties, and many other festivities. This person just wanted to sit down and enjoy one of the few foods on Earth that could cure a grumpy old man of his get-off-my-lawn syndrome. Unfortunately, bad luck struck and decided to ruin his day, and instead of letting him enjoy life’s greatest invention. The biggest crime in this photo may be the fact that most of the toppings look to be picked from the pizza.

Pizza Spill
Let’s be honest; no one really enjoys the freezing cold temperatures of winter. The snow may look beautiful and peaceful at first, but it quickly turns into mushy sleet that can cause your car to swerve into a ditch or a flag pole. Hands down, the worst place for snow would be the entire interior of your vehicle. You can imagine all of the curse words this man hurled once he realized he accidentally left his sunroof open.

Snow In Car
They’re Evolving!
The worst thing in the world is finding a spider in your home one second and after turning your back on it, finding it gone the next. What’s worse than a missing spider? A spider that has caught on to our dirty deeds of eliminating his kind, and inhaling the fumes of the poison we use to make itself stronger. We all knew this day would come; the day bugs and arachnids alike decide to band together and take out the human race. We are all doomed.

Spider On Bug Spray
Books Are Better Anyway
One look at this picture and the rage you feel begin to build up inside your veins could conjure enough energy to fuel a high-powered jet. No one wants to waste thousands of dollars on a T.V. set destined to be destroyed by the remote. The T.V. looks new, or at least well kept. Whoever was the cause of the accident, is almost certain to be charged for its replacement; no one would want to be in their shoes.

TV Broken By Remote
Wait For it
This woman mistakenly sat down on a freshly painted bench, missing the two wet paint signs right below her feet. The woman is clearly wearing classes, which makes one wonder if they are indeed a prescription or a fashion statement. Any wetness from the paint should be easily felt through the thin fabric of her jeans; how she is unable to feel the undried liquid seeping through her clothing is shocking. Whatever she is waiting for, whether it be a bus or a taxi, they can be sure to let her know of her mistake before allowing her in their vehicle.

Woman Sitting On Wet Bench