The Top Cleaning Tips and Tricks to Make It Easier and Faster

Published on October 19, 2021

33. Foam Paint Brush for Vents

The air conditioner vents in your car are sure to collect dust, which you then breathe back in. Keep them dust-free by using a small foam paintbrush. Slide it between the blades effortlessly!

33. Foam Paint Brush For Vents

33. Foam Paint Brush For Vents

34. Lysol in the Air Conditioner

If you have a stinky air conditioner, it’s probably from mold or bacteria. That gives you a bad odor from the vents. Get rid of it with Lysol spray. Turn on the car and air conditioner, roll down your windows, and spray the Lysol into the intake vent on the outside.

34. Lysol In The Air Conditioner

34. Lysol In The Air Conditioner