The Craziest Things People Have Done For These Selfies

Published on October 15, 2020

An Abnormal Bike Ride

At first glance, it seems unbelievable that the rider was able to snap a selfie while making the impressive jump. However, after looking closer, you realize that a kid is hanging on to the back of the bike, and you can guess the trouble that’s about to follow.

An Abnormal Bike Ride

An Abnormal Bike Ride

A 3-in-1 Selfie

This shot seems to be one of the most alarming and dangerous selfie shots. It features a friend snapping a photo of a friend taking a picture of a friend, who’s also taking a picture. This is done while all those featured in the selfie are hanging from a skyscraper.

A 3 In 1 Selfie

A 3 In 1 Selfie