Get To Know The Culture Of The Amish People

Published on February 17, 2022

Traditional Amish Food

Traditional Amish food is simple but also hearty, nourishing, and certainly filling. Typical dishes include things beloved items outside of the Amish world including Dutch apple desserts, soft pretzels, and beef with noodles. Other classic Amish dishes include scrapple, doughnuts, shoofly pie, and chicken corn soup.

Traditional Amish Food

Traditional Amish Food

No Retirement Age

There is no set retirement age within the Amish community and it is pretty much up to the individual whether or not to retire and if yes, when. However, the typical retirement age in the community varies between 50 to 70 years old. Those who retire stay at home, and there are no retirement facilities. They continue pitching in with housework at their own pace. This retirement method aims to keep the elderly around in the community and to avoid loneliness.

No Retirement Age

No Retirement Age