Get To Know The Culture Of The Amish People

Published on February 17, 2022

Frolic Barn Raising

Barn raising is quite the event within the Amish community. It is considered to be a frolic, which is a work event that balances a practical goal with socializing. Raising the barn symbolizes Amish values of hard work and community. It is a visual reminder of the principle of mutual aid which is highly regarded in the community.

Frolic Barn Raising

Frolic Barn Raising

High Retention Rate

It’s interesting to think about the fact that the Amish retention rate is so high. Perhaps the fact that the community places family values and communal support along with making baptism optional, people don’t feel the need to leave the community since it does not feel oppressive. About 90% of children born into the Amish community choose to stay in the community.

High Retention Rate

High Retention Rate