You’ve Got to Check out These Funny Airport Pick-up Signs

Published on March 1, 2023
When you arrive at the airport, it’s nice to know that you have someone there to pick you up. You’ve gone through a long flight, searched for your bags, and don’t want to deal with calling a taxi.

Most people create signs to make it easier for their loved ones or charges to find them. It’s a common occurrence, but some of them are quite hilarious. We’ve compiled the funniest signage that people have made for those getting off airplanes. You won’t be disappointed.

Military Wife Can’t Wait

This photo of a military wife shows how anxious she is for her soldier husband to get home. He had been deployed for more than a year, and she is ready to make sure he reacquaints himself with life. He better be ready!

Military Wife Can't Wait

Military Wife Can’t Wait

Welcome Home

This man decided to keep himself busy while his wife was away. She was gallivanting abroad, so he took the time necessary to detail everything he located on her cell phone. There was no imagination needed, and she’s likely his ex-wife now!

Welcome Home

Welcome Home


Willy Wonka Weirdo

One man decided to pick his buddy up from the airport. The man actually owned a chocolate-making factory and decided to go all out. Who knows! They might be headed to a party right afterward. We almost hope that’s the case!

Willy Wonka Weirdo

Willy Wonka Weirdo


Anna’s Problems

Anna is one poor woman. She asked her neighbor to get her from the airport after a 10-hour flight. We’re not sure what’s happening, but it appears that he cares just a little too much for her. His sense of humor is terrible!

Anna's Problems

Anna’s Problems


Lockdown Love

We’re sure her children are happy for her to be home, but this seems a little off. Luckily, she doesn’t have to eat ramen noodles anymore! Plus, she was probably buffed up, but we hope those kids are on their best behavior!

Lockdown Love

Lockdown Love


In Your Face

While we hope that the sign was created primarily for protest and not because the person missed their family member, we just aren’t sure. They did put much effort into the signage, so that’s a plus. Do they just have that much time to kill?!

In Your Face

In Your Face


Waiting on the Boss

These guys were simply following orders, and the boss can be a huge nightmare. Still, we have to commend the commitment that went into this escapade. Did the recipient of the sign get off the airplane dressed like Darth Vader? We hope so!

Waiting on the Boss

Waiting on the Boss


20-year-old Orphans

This sign is quite funny, especially with the woman frowning in the middle. Hopefully, they found a family with a big heart that would raise them properly. In fact, they almost look cold and hungry, and they just need love!

20-year-old Orphans

20-year-old Orphans


Sweet Girlfriend

This woman went to the airport at night to pick up her boyfriend and their mutual best friend. Hopefully, it’s a mental booster and not a poly thing, but we’re not here to judge. It’s still a funny sign! Were the other men jealous?!

Sweet Girlfriend

Sweet Girlfriend


Motion of the Ocean

We aren’t sure if that’s Richard’s last name or an inside joke between the pair. However, it seems like he has a small boat. Did he get in trouble while he was traveling? Was this his punishment? Who knows! He took it all in stride, though!

Motion of the Ocean

Motion of the Ocean


Awesome Bromance

This man went all out to welcome his friend home from rehab. He even had the neon-colored sign and everything. That friendship must be amazing. However, the beer mug in the corner tells us that his sobriety won’t last too long!

Awesome Bromance

Awesome Bromance



It seems that his best friend was spending too much time with his sister, and she got pregnant. We don’t know if they’re married or just had a mishap, but the guy was still nice enough to get the man from the airport. Still, it will likely be awkward on the drive home.




Thumbs Up

These women clearly don’t have time to take photos and probably aren’t good at photoshop editing. However, they were highly creative with a single piece of cardboard, a marker, and their own faces. It’s ingenious, really!

Thumbs Up

Thumbs Up


Poor Mumsy

This woman must have a lazy husband, though it seems that her daughter is loving and caring. Hopefully, she turned right back around and went on another vacation. Maybe this family needs to invest in one of those Roomba vacuums!

Poor Mumsy

Poor Mumsy


Trio of Military Wives

These military wives were very prepared for their husbands’ returns. Well, it seems that the woman in the middle didn’t get the memo of making signs. Hopefully, her husband doesn’t mind; he’ll still be happy to see her!

Trio of Military Wives

Trio of Military Wives


Tom’s Friend Wants More

Clearly, this guy has been dropping hints for a while, but Tom is blind to the admirer or just keeps friend-zoning the man. It could be that Tom isn’t interested in you or doesn’t swing that way. Overall, it’s time to move on, bro!

Tom's Friend Wants More

Tom’s Friend Wants More


Intelligent Baby

Clearly, this baby is a full-on genius! He wrote that long sign all by himself and is very happy for his dad to be home. This family is definitely funny, and we’re sure the dad is glad to be back!

Intelligent Baby

Intelligent Baby


Hugh Jarse

If you think about it a little, you’ll know why this sign is so funny. Initially, you think it’s just some guy waiting for a friend or relation. However, by sounding out the name, you will understand that it sounds a little like “huge arse.”

Hugh Jarse

Hugh Jarse


Aunty M

All one needs in life is a loving niece who’s prepared to do whatever she can to make her beloved aunt happy. Though she might be single, it seems like she’s surrounded by people who care. Still, it’s weird that it looks like the baby is saying all that!

Aunty M

Aunty M


Incredibly Sweet Bother

OUCH! Why don’t you tell us how you truly feel about your sister? Hopefully, this is an inside joke for the pair. If you have a brother of your own, you can probably relate to this type of signage!

Incredibly Sweet Brother

Incredibly Sweet Brother


Meeting Your Friend IRL

We have no idea what this sign says, and it seems like it’s written in another language. However, we hope that when this guy picked up “Natbag,” they had a great time meeting each other in real life. Enjoy your battles online and IRL!

Meeting Your Friend IRL

Meeting Your Friend IRL


The Inlaws

Christmas is coming fast, and your sister-in-law and brother are coming for the holidays. Before you prepare that fancy dinner, you have to create a sign to greet them at the airport. Use embarrassing photos and make it seem like they committed a crime!

The Inlaws

The Inlaws


Bittersweet Symphony

You know the saying: “it’s 5 o’clock somewhere!” This guy is definitely ready to have some margaritas with whoever he’s picking up at the airport. However, he probably wasn’t allowed to bring the liquor since it’s missing from the shot!

Bittersweet Symphony

Bittersweet Symphony


Michael Jordan

This gentleman is probably waiting for his son, who happens to be named Michael Jordan. It’s likely not the basketball star we all know and love. If it is, we wonder how the two met. Still, it’s pretty funny!

Michael Jordan

Michael Jordan


Under CIA Interrogation

What did this Snowden character do? It seems like a CIA investigator is waiting to take him to a lonely cell with dingy lights and interrogate him for hours. Hopefully, he was able to work everything out, but who knows? He might still be underground.

Under CIA Interrogation

Under CIA Interrogation


Blonde in the Airport

Warning! Warning! There is a blonde woman in the airport. We’re not sure exactly what she was hoping to accomplish with a sign that reads “idiot,” but we do think it’s hilarious that she held it upside down. Clearly, she’s fried too many brain cells.

Blonde in the Airport

Blonde in the Airport


Thank God

The father, not seen in this photograph, was gone for a total of five days. During that time, his house was without power for three of them. Luckily, his two daughters showed how much they missed him (and reminded him to grab wine on the way home).

Thank God

Thank God


Head on a Stick

There’s no way in heck that Mokie will miss his entourage. They clearly took the worst photo of him possible and slapped it on a huge stick to show the world. Luckily, the trio will be able to use it for Halloween to scare some children out of their candy!

Head on a Stick

Head on a Stick


Aye, Aye Captain

The people who made this sign didn’t invest a lot of money into it. However, that doesn’t matter; it’s the thought that counts. Regardless, they’re happy to have Captain Sneeze Fart home. Apparently, the man didn’t see it, walking out of the airport to search for his family.

Aye, Aye Captain

Aye, Aye Captain


Later Gator

Sarah was so happy to be welcomed to the Sunshine State by her family members. However, she was expecting the palm trees and beaches. Little did she know that an alligator was waiting in the wings (on the shirt).

Later Gator

Later Gator


It’s Yours

Do you want a creative way to tell your ex that you’re carrying his baby? You could be like this woman! The young lady created a sign that read the baby was his, and he couldn’t ignore her forever. Wow!

It's Yours

It’s Yours


Smooth Operator

Was this man holding a sign for his wife, reminding her that she was beautiful? We hope so. Otherwise, he’s a creepy man who waits around at airports, trying to find hot Italian chicks!

Smooth Operator

Smooth Operator


Going Commando

Most moms understand that laundry is part of the job, but she was probably a little surprised to learn that her young children were out of undies and not wearing any that day. Hopefully, they went to the store on the way home to avoid an accident!

Going Commando

Going Commando


Report for Duty

This military man was clearly excited to get back home to his wife, and we can’t say we blame him. She’s beautiful and has a sense of humor. He came back from fulfilling his duty to his country, but now he must report for “booty.” Uh-oh!

Report for Duty

Report for Duty


Bye-bye Simon

Simon should definitely have known better than to buy a selfie stick, and we all understand the woman’s disappointment. He won’t get another chance this time; it seems like she’s done with the relationship.

Bye-bye Simon

Bye-bye Simon


Awkward Carpools

Ridesharing with strangers can be very annoying. Hopefully, Alice wasn’t too uncomfortable on her ride home. Still, it’s probably a good thing because no one had the middle seat. They could stretch their legs, at least!

Awkward Carpools

Awkward Carpools


Secret Service

These roommates have a flair for funny. They chose to dress up like the men in black to pick up their friend from the airport and get five stars for creativity. Who wouldn’t love the gesture, as long as they weren’t space aliens?

Secret Service

Secret Service


Kilts and Clans

One man took a trip to Scotland and received this greeter when he returned. We’re not sure if that’s a friend or a family member, but they made the effort. It was probably a funny joke between the pair, and now we get to giggle, too!

Kilts and Clans

Kilts and Clans


Three Honest Bros

Did these men make a little mistake while their friend was gone? It appears so. However, they were upfront and honest about the situation. Hopefully, the brother likes whoever knocked up his sister, or they could be in trouble!

Three Honest Bros

Three Honest Bros


To the Point

We seriously hope this man didn’t decide to use this ploy to tell his daughter she was his. It was probably a joke, and we’re also not sure if the girl in the picture is Rebecca. Still, it’s a funny image, and you can use your imagination to determine what it means.

To the Point

To the Point