Strange Smell Comes from Home…What it is Will Shock Everyone

Published on October 24, 2019

Should They Call the Police?

The neighbors who lived near the house knew that they had to do something about this smell. The odor coming from the home was starting to affect their day to day lives, and those who lived close to the house was starting to smell the odor in their own homes! Many people wanted to tell the police, but others didn’t want to bother the busy cops with such a potentially small thing. Some people also suggested that they report the home to the city as overrun, but then, something new happened…

Police in Madagascar

Police in Madagascar

People Were Visiting the Home

Though the house was thought to be abandoned for a long time, suddenly people began to notice that there were signs around the home that someone was going in and out. Finally, someone noticed several people going in and out of the home. The neighbors were totally shocked that there were people even going near the smelly house, not to mention going inside of it. But, over the next few days, the smell began to dissipate. Could these people actually be cleaning up the odor?

Madagascar Village

Madagascar Village