After Entering Neighbor’s Home, Man Realizes They Might Need To Burn It Down

Published on January 4, 2021
Kevin frequently saw his neighbor sleeping in the back seat of her car and wondered why she didn’t rather stay in her home. It was an understandable question because the woman’s home was only mere steps away from the car that she was sleeping in. However, Kevin would soon understand the reason why she was making this strange choice. He found himself in his neighbor’s home and was left in shock. Something wasn’t right, and he needed to call for help fast. The house needed to be burned to the ground as quickly as possible, but why?

Unknown Neighbors

Kevin Burns had been living in the neighborhood for a few years. However, he didn’t know his neighbor, who had been living next to him for equally as long. He had never had a conversation with her, yet he knew that she was retired and lived alone.

Unknown Neighbors

Unknown Neighbors

An Unusual Living Situation

Although Kevin’s neighbor, Ruth, had a home next to Kevin’s, she didn’t live in it. Rather than sleeping in her house, she chose to sleep in her car. Kevin found this to be very odd as he saw Ruth wasn’t going into her home.

An Unusual Living Situation

An Unusual Living Situation


What Kevin Would Do

Kevin would regularly check on Ruth to make sure that she was going okay. On one occasion, Kevin was able to have a conversation with his neighbor. He was deeply saddened that the woman was living in her car, and he soon realized why this was her living situation.

What Kevin Would Do

What Kevin Would Do


Her Reasoning

Ruth had a reason for her living in her car instead of her house, which was only a few feet away. It was clear that Ruth was embarrassed with her circumstances, as Kevin noticed all the stuff in her car.

Her Reasoning

Her Reasoning


The House

After looking at Ruth’s house more closely, Kevin noticed that the windows weren’t in the best condition. The blinds were also closed, and the overall appearance of the homemade you believe it to be neglected. Was Ruth in need of a renovation?

The House

The House


Years Had Gone By

There was a broken window at the top of the home, and the entire condition of the house led Kevin to believe that this whole ordeal had been going on for a while. He thought that animals might have taken over the home, but everything soon became very clear.

Years Had Gone By

Years Had Gone By


Hearing Cries

Kevin was passing by Ruth’s car one day when he heard his neighbor crying. He asked her what was wrong but didn’t receive an answer. She was frantically searching for something in her plastic bags as tears were rolling down her face.

Hearing Cries

Hearing Cries


Her Reason for Crying

Ruth explained that she was looking for something that had great importance to her. This sparked the beginning of a massive challenge that Kevin wasn’t prepared for. Ruth continued searching through her car when she heard Kevin. That’s when everything changed.

Her Reason For Crying

Her Reason For Crying


Leaving Her Home

When Ruth left her home, she took only the most meaningful and important objects that she had. She carried these items to her car in a plastic bag, but it seemed as though she had forgotten one important item in her house.

Leaving Her Home

Leaving Her Home



Ruth was heartbroken, but she had no intention of going back into the house. That’s when Kevin appeared. Ruth explained that she had left one of her most valuable possessions in the neglected home. That’s when Kevin decided to help his distraught neighbor.




A Massive Challenge Ahead

The young man didn’t expect the challenge he was about to encounter, but was he up for the challenge? It seemed that he was going to do anything to help his emotional neighbor despite the condition of the house. All of his questions were answered when he entered the home, and it was shocking.

A Massive Challenge Ahead

A Massive Challenge Ahead


The Important Item

Ruth had been searching for a photograph of her parents. The old lady believed that she had taken it with her when she left her house, but she was mistaken. Kevin thought this was going to be an easy task to locate the picture, but he couldn’t have been more wrong.

The Important Item

The Important Item


The Condition

Ruth’s home that she had living in for decades was filled with piles of garbage and clothes. It was smelly and unbearable, but Kevin had made a promise to help Ruth, and he needed to follow through. However, he quickly started to regret his promise.

The Conditions

The Condition


Needing Some Help

It was becoming a real challenge to try and locate Ruth’s photograph. Before Kevin knew it, the house’s condition was too much to handle, and he needed to run out. He quickly went to his home to get a pair of gloves and a mask to help him in his search.

Needing Some Help

Needing Some Help


A Hoarding Problem

It was clear that Ruth had a hoarding problem. Everywhere Kevin looked, there were belongings that took up so all of the space. It was going to take him many days to get through all of the items to try and locate the missing photo.

A Hoarding Problem

A Hoarding Problem


Finding a Break

Kevin finally found something that could help him: a book. His prayers were answered when he opened the book, as the photo he had been trying to locate fell to the floor. His attention was quickly drawn to an old bookcase to his right.

Finding A Break

Finding A Break


The Bookcase

Right behind the old bookcase that held Kevin’s attention was a tiny crack. Kevin quickly began pulling the shelves apart to find a hole in the wall, which led to a hidden room. He decided to take a look, but what he found wasn’t what he expected.

The Bookcase

The Bookcase


A Bedroom

After entering the secret room, Kevin quickly noticed that it was previously used as a bedroom. The room smelled incredibly bad, and it was evident that there was something in the room that was causing it to smell so bad. It wasn’t just the collection of dirt and debris.

A Bedroom

A Bedroom


A Dangerous Sight

Kevin got out of the hidden bedroom and made his way to the hallway, where he saw something truly shocking. There was a thick layer of mold on the ceiling. This situation just became very dangerous for Kevin’s health, even with his mask.

A Dangerous Sight

A Dangerous Sight


A Good Time to Leave

Once Kevin noticed the thick mold growing on the ceiling, Kevin decided that it was time to leave his neighbor’s house. He had gotten what he needed and could go out knowing that he had fulfilled his promise. He told Ruth that she shouldn’t enter the house for anything because of the dangerous mold.

A Good Time To Leave

A Good Time To Leave


The Bad News

Ruth called a specialist to resolve the mold problem in her home. This specialist had some bad news to give to Ruth. Not only was her home unlivable, but it was also posing a threat to her neighbors. The entire home needed to be demolished.

The Bad News

The Bad News


Not Traditional

The demolishing process of Ruth’s home wasn’t traditional in the slightest. The crew working on the house had never seen such a dangerous environment. No matter what they did, the mold wasn’t going to be cleaned. That’s when the fire department was called.

Not Traditional

Not Traditional


What Needed to be Done

Instead of simply pulling the house apart and demolishing it, they needed to burn the house down, or else the mold would have spread. The fire department was called to control the fire, while Kevin and the cleaning crew removed all objects that could be hazardous in the fire.

What Needed To Be Done

What Needed To Be Done


Ruth’s Reaction

Everyone was prepared to start the process of burning the house down. Ruth shocked everyone with how she reacted to the event. As anyone would be, she was shaken but ready to move on. She knew she had to move away from her hoarding habit that has destroyed her life.

Ruth’s Reaction

Ruth’s Reaction


About the Secret Room

Kevin and Ruth watched as the fire engulfed the entire house. Each of them was thinking of the secret room when Ruth turned to Kevin and disclosed that this was where her husband passed away. She simply didn’t have the heart to return to the room once he died.

About The Secret Room

About The Secret Room


The Fire

The firefighters remained at the sight of the demolished house to ensure that the fire didn’t reignite and become a risk to Ruth’s neighbors. Now that the house was destroyed, what was Ruth going to do? Surely she couldn’t continue living in her car, but now she was officially homeless…

The Fire

The Fire


The Reason for Her Hoarding

Ruth was severely depressed and anxious after her husband died. Her fear of separating from her husband turned into her hoarding. However, this chapter was finally closed in her life, and she was ready to start over in a new environment.

The Reason For Her Hoarding

The Reason For Her Hoarding


A Helping Hand

Was Ruth going to end up living in her car once again? Kevin certainly didn’t want that to happen. That’s when a plan was put into action with the help of Kevin and Ruth’s friends. She was placed in a senior citizen’s community.

A Helping Hand

A Helping Hand


A Warm Welcome

Ruth was welcomed into the senior living community with open arms. It was clear that she was still suffering from her husband’s death by she was now in the company of many friendly and understanding people. The social aspect was definitely going to help her with her grief.

A Warm Welcome

A Warm Welcome


Before the Community

Before moving into the senior living community, Ruth had a daily routine when living in her car. She would go to the closest gym to use the bathroom to clean up. She would then go to a fast-food restaurant to get something to eat. Then, she would return back to her car.

Before The Community

Before The Community


A Massive Improvement

It was evident that Ruth was going to live a more fulfilling life in the senior living community, and it was all thanks to Kevin and Ruth’s friends. She was given a place where she could interact with people, sleep in a comfortable bed, and clean herself up from the comfort of her own bathroom.

A Massive Improvement

A Massive Improvement


A Better Life

Ruth’s life was much better since moving out of her car. While in the senior community, she was getting more exercise, eating better, and had made some new friends. However, this wasn’t the end of Kevin’s involvement in Ruth’s life.

A Better Life

A Better Life


From Strangers

Before Ruth’s house was burned down, Ruth and Kevin didn’t have much interaction. However, this entire ordeal allowed the neighbors to get better acquainted. Kevin remained in Ruth’s life and would frequently pay her a visit to the senior community.

From Strangers

From Strangers


A Simple Favor

Nobody would have expected a simple gesture of kindness to result in Ruth’s home being burned down. This was definitely a particular case that doesn’t happen every day, but we’re sure all the neighbors were relieved that the mold didn’t spread.

A Simple Favor

A Simple Favor


The Reason for Hoarding

Many people suffer from some type of hoarding disorder. These disorders usually come from experiencing a stressful life event that they are having a problem dealing with. In Ruth’s case, the death of her husband triggered this behavior. However, there’s a problem.

The Reason For Her Hoarding

The Reason For Her Hoarding


Effects of a Fire

Many people also develop hoarding disorders after losing possessions in a fire. This could be a problem for Ruth, who’s hoarding disorder led to her losing her possessions in a fire. How did she react after the fire burned her house and possessions to the ground?

Effects Of A Fire

Effects Of A Fire


A Fresh Start

Ruth still often thinks of the secret room where she last saw her husband. However, the senior living community has done her a lot of good. For many years, she was just passing through life, but now she is enjoying the experiences she is having.

A Fresh Start

A Fresh Start


No More Hoarding

Since the fire, Ruth hasn’t felt the need to hoard anything. After what happened to her home, she understands that hoarding is only going to cause problems in her life. Ruth doesn’t feel the need to cling to items. However, she understandably won’t part with her precious photographs.

No More Hoarding

No More Hoarding


Kevin’s Life Now

After his neighbor’s house burned down, he was left with a torched neighboring home that wasn’t very pleasant to look at. However, he only had to deal with this for a few weeks before a cleanup crew was sent out. He is now looking forward to welcoming new neighbors who are building a house on their property.

Kevin’s Life Now

Kevin’s Life Now


He Changed a Life

Kevin’s curiosity and a small gesture of kindness led to him changing someone’s life without even knowing it. This is definitely a strange story that doesn’t happen very often, but luckily it has brought a very happy ending for all parties involved.

He Changed A Life

He Changed A Life