Miracle Baby Moses Rescued from Certain Death

Published on November 3, 2019
Babies are some of the most precious gifts in the world. They tend to be regarded as huge blessings, and parents all over the world talk about how their lives changed when their babies were born. Unfortunately, that is not the case for everyone. For some mothers, having a baby is a struggle and they just are not sure what to do. That was exactly what happened to a woman in Haiti. Her decision was what later shocked the world.
Young Baby Rescued In Haiti

Young Baby Rescued In Haiti

Normal Day

 On an average day in rural Haiti, there is a lot going on. As an impoverished country, Haiti depends heavily on its farming industry. The local farmers were up and about early in the morning, going about their daily duties. One farmer was particularly hard at work that day. He was elderly but still spent his days doing what he could. That day, he had no idea what he was about to discover. It surely wasn’t anything he could have expected.

The Streets Of Rural Haiti

The Streets Of Rural Haiti


Not Alone 

As he was walking down the street by himself, the old farmer thought he heard a noise in the distance. For a moment, he stopped walking to see if he heard it again. For a few minutes, he listened but did not hear the strange noise another time. As he continued walking, he could hear the faint sounds become clearer and clearer. He became sure of himself as he listened for the odd sound that was almost lost in the rush of the wind.

Elderly Haitian Man

Elderly Haitian Man


Strange Noise

The old farmer was used to hearing plenty of noise out in the fields and on the streets of Haiti. At first, he didn’t think anything of it. However, as the faint cries cut through the silence, he realized that they were definitely coming from a person or child. The sound seemed like someone crying or wailing- although he could barely hear it. It sounded like the person was far away or buried beneath something. Luckily, he decided to try and figure out where it was coming from.

Rural Area In Haiti

Rural Area In Haiti



The farmer decided that he needed to figure out where exactly the noise was coming from. He had a sinking feeling that something was wrong, and he couldn’t help but try to solve the problem. As he looked around, searching for the source of the problem, something in the distance caught his eye. There wasn’t much around him on the rural street, and he knew that the sound must have been coming from the outhouse across the road. He quickly turned and headed over there.

Haitian Farmer Walking

Haitian Farmer Walking


Echoing Cries

When the old farmer arriver at the outhouse, he was nervous about what he might find inside. Regardless, he could not fight against the instinct to open the creaky wooden door and check out where the cries were coming from. He grabbed the handle and took a step into the dark outhouse. It definitely was not the most pleasant place to be, but he was determined to find the source of the noise. When he stepped into the small room, he was surprised at what he noticed.

Wooden Outhouse In The Distance

Wooden Outhouse In The Distance


Dark and Empty 

Although the sound was definitely coming from inside the outhouse, the farmer discovered that the room was completely empty. There was no one inside, and yet the crying sounds were still loudly echoing in the small space. As his eyes adjusted to the dim light, he started searching every nook and cranny of the establishment. He knew that his ears were not deceiving him and that there must be something going on inside. He peeked under the sink and in every corner.

Eerie Inside Of Wooden Outhouse

Eerie Inside Of Wooden Outhouse


Hours Earlier

Earlier that day, on the very same street that the farmer was walking on, something completely different took place. Just a couple of hours before, a woman was walking down the street, heading home to see her children. She was nine months pregnant, but she still had to work hard in order to feed them and herself. As she walked along in rural Haiti, with the sun beating down on her, she had a sudden realization that completely shocked her.

Expectant Haitian Mother

Expectant Haitian Mother


 Painful Awakening

As she began to feel a sharp pain in her stomach, the woman realized that she was giving birth to her baby. She had been dreading the day for all nine months. Although she loved her children, they all lived in such poverty that she simply didn’t know how to provide for all of them. Plus, she was stuck outside completely alone, and she could sense that she was about to give birth. Her sense of panic continued rising and she had no idea what to do.

Haitian Women With Their Young Kids

Haitian Women With Their Young Kids 


End in Sight

As the woman desperately looked around for anyone to help her, she spotted something across the road. It was a small outhouse, and it was her only hope at the time. She decided to head over to the tiny room in order to give birth to her newborn child. The only alternative was to endure the extreme pains of labor right there on the road. Her contractions crept closer and closer together, becoming more painful each and every time they arrived.

Worried Mother With Her Children

Worried Mother With Her Children


 No Hope

The struggling mother got into the outhouse and locked the door behind her. She felt completely hopeless and alone, going through one of the most difficult times in her life all by herself. Not to mention, she was far from home and stuck laboring in a wooden outhouse. As she considered what to do, there seemed to be no options left. She was already dealing with extreme poverty- barely able to eat, drink, or allow her children to do the same.

Young Mother In Labor

Young Mother In Labor


The Farmer’s Discovery

That afternoon, the old farmer was still searching for the source of painful cries in the very same outhouse the mother had been in earlier. As he exhausted all of his options, the man realized that he only had one place left to look. Although it was the last thing that he wanted to do, the farmer listened to his instincts and took a peek right into the deep toilet. Since it was an outhouse, the toilet was just a massive hole in the ground.

Impoverished Haitian Family

Impoverished Haitian Family


Deep Down

When he looked down, the man realized exactly where the sounds had been coming from all along. There was a tiny infant down there somewhere. Although it was dark, he could see the small baby and hear his cries as plain as day. The farmer was shocked and afraid, knowing that he had to do whatever he could in order to save the small boy. As his adrenaline began to rush, the man knew exactly what he had to do next.

Dark Area In Outhouse

Dark Area In Outhouse


Diving In 

Since the baby was much further than arm’s length away, the man had to go and find some tools. He ran outside and searched for a length of rope that he could use to lower himself down into the outhouse toilet. Although it was unsanitary, the man’s mind didn’t even consider it since he was just focused on rescuing the baby. He quickly secured himself to the outside and lowered himself into the dark hole towards the flailing young boy.

Young Boy Being Fed

Young Boy Being Fed


Bleak Situation

Against all odds, the farmer scooped up the infant child in his arms and was able to make his way back to the top of the hole. The tiny child was covered in sewage and crying as hard as he could. He had just been born a couple of hours prior, with no opportunity to adjust to the harsh world. The old man held the infant in his arms, doing his best to clean him up and calm him down right then and there.

Young Haitian Farmer

Young Haitian Farmer


 What Went Wrong

As it turned out, the pregnant woman who had been there all those hours ago had given birth right over the toilet. Her son fell into the deep hole and was left there, due to her panic and inability to provide for him. The baby was left there all by himself, with slim chances of ever being found or surviving. It was simply due to sheer chance that the old man had been able to hear his faint cries and cared enough to help him.

Haitian Community

Haitian Community


Next Steps

 The old man was stuck there in the middle of an outhouse, holding an infant covered in sewage. He was unsure of what to do, and he knew that he could not help the child all by himself. Luckily, there was a local charity that would hopefully be able to save the baby boy. He headed back down the road, rushing to get the boy some medical attention as soon as possible. He knew that the boy was just hanging on for his life.

Haitian Children Carrying Water

Haitian Children Carrying Water


Checked Out

As soon as the old man and the infant arrived at the doctor’s, they could tell that time was of the essence. Infant babies are fragile, and it was a huge shock for the boy to fall into a dark hole as soon as he was born. Not to mention, he was surrounded by sewage and germs. The doctor cleaned him up thoroughly and began to see how the baby’s health was doing. It became clear that the young boy needed some attention.

Doctor Checking Haitian Child

Doctor Checking Haitian Child



The doctor deduced that the baby boy was severely malnourished and dehydrated. Not only because of his traumatic birth, but also because his mother was likely malnourished and dehydrated for the majority of her pregnancy. The doctors and charity workers were overjoyed that the little boy had been able to survive and that he had been saved by the old man just in time. They knew that there was plenty of work ahead to care for the little baby boy.

Doctor Doing Infant Checkup

Doctor Doing Infant Checkup


 Naming Rights

The organization decided to name the boy Moses, a biblical reference to the baby’s miraculous survival. Everyone was committed to keeping the young boy safe, healthy, and happy. As the years went by, they were increasingly thankful for the miracle of Moses’ life. Nowadays, the young boy is thriving and full of joy. His goal is to become the future president of Haiti, and the director of the charity described, “This is the future and the hope of Haiti, right here.”

Baby Moses Young And Old

Baby Moses Young And Old


Not the Only One

The sad truth is that babies all over the world are abandoned every day. There are so many different reasons why this happens, and it is certainly heartbreaking. Luckily, some of them have the incredible chance to beat the odds, thanks to some amazing humans. The story of baby Moses is actually one of hope and second chances. Some abandoned babies don’t have such an easy path to a happy life, though. One example took place in 2015 in Tanzania.

Rural Tanzania

Rural Tanzania



On the streets of rural Tanzania, it is not easy to survive. There are many people who live in unbelievable poverty and have a hard time just making it through the day. That was the case for a young mother who was about to give birth to a baby girl. Without access to affordable birth control, unwanted pregnancies are not uncommon in this part of the world. The young mother could barely feed herself, and she had no idea how she was going to care for a baby.

Farmer In Tanzania

Farmer In Tanzania


Making a Decision

When she finally gave birth to her young daughter, the mother had to make an unbearable decision. She abandoned her baby outside, feeling totally helpless and out of options. Although it was a difficult decision, the mother felt as though she didn’t have any choice in the matter. She laid the young girl down in the grass on the side of the road, and with tears in her eyes, walked away. She had no idea what was going to happen to her baby.

Tanzanian Family

Tanzanian Family


Low Chances 

Babies are fragile, and they definitely need a lot of care and attention. A baby left on the side of the road definitely does not have high chances of making it out alive. There are just too many risks and dangers out there that could befall them. Not to mention, in rural Tanzania, the odds of someone finding and rescuing the baby are slim. That was the situation that the baby girl found herself in, completely unaware of what was happening.

Newborn Tanzanian Baby

Newborn Tanzanian Baby


Closing In

As the baby laid there, wondering where her mother was and crying loudly, the situation took a turn for the worse. A wild dog around the corner picked up her scent. It wasn’t just humans who were living in poverty in the area- the dogs were starving and desperate for anything to eat. It wasn’t long before an entire pack of wild dogs was on its way over to the helpless infant. Snarling, the dogs trotted over to check out a potential meal.

Newborn Baby Salama

Newborn Baby Salama 


No Chance

The dogs were inches away from the tiny baby girl when someone walked by the scene. A young man was headed to work when he heard the mix of sounds going on nearby. All he could hear were the loud cries of a child and the violent barks of the dog pack. He knew that he had to do something. As soon as the man realized what was happening, he dropped his bag and did his best to follow the sound.

Salama In Her New Home

Salama In Her New Home


Nick of Time

Fate was on the man’s side that day, as he made it to the infant moments before disaster struck. If he hadn’t been there, there is no telling what the wild dogs may have done to the poor abandoned child. The man didn’t hesitate to scoop the child up into his arms and do his best to scare the terrifying dogs away. He didn’t waste time getting back to the road and away from the perils of the rural area.

Sick Tanzanian Child

Sick Tanzanian Child


What’s Next?

Imagine finding an abandoned child and just narrowly saving her from wild dogs. It was a harrowing experience for the brave young man, and he had no idea what to do next. He was standing there with a baby in his arms, barely able to console her and wipe away her tears. After a moment of shock, he began considering what he had to do. Since he couldn’t care for her, he knew he had to bring her to someone who could.

Pack Of Wild Dogs

Pack Of Wild Dogs


 Safe Hands 

The young man brought the girl to the police, handing her over into their trustworthy custody. However, the police were feeling the same kind of indecisiveness over what to do. Of course, the first step to take was bringing the infant to a doctor. The young girl was thoroughly cleaned and examined to make sure everything was okay. Against all odds, she was absolutely unscathed by her time alone out in the wild. The doctor knew that she was incredibly lucky to have made it out alive.

Salama's New Family

Salama’s New Family


Safe House

The police finally came to a decision about where to bring the young girl. A local safe house seemed like the best and safest place for her to go. In the countryside of Tanzania, there was a girls’ house, specifically made for girls who had escaped genital mutilation in their country. The house was designed to be a safe haven and a refuge for young and old women alike. When they brought the baby there, she was welcomed into their family with open arms.

Tanzanian Safe House

Tanzanian Safe House



The first order of business was to give the abandoned infant a name. They knew she deserved something meaningful and amazing, so they considered it for quite some time. In the end, the safe house workers and residents worked together to come up with the beautiful name of Salama. In their language, the name translates to “safety.” The girls felt that it was a fitting name for a young girl who had survived so much. Salama became a veritable part of the safe house family.

Girls At Mugumu Safe House

Girls At Mugumu Safe House



The story of Salama is truly one of shocking survival against every odd. Abandoned at just a couple of days old, she somehow made it through a harrowing few hours alone on the side of the road. Not to mention, a near-death attack from a huge pack of wild dogs. The chances of someone finding her were low, but the young man who rescued her truly saved her life. However, that was not all she survived- she even went through malaria at just a year old.

Mugumu Safe House Staff

Mugumu Safe House Staff



Salama ended up in the best place she possible could have. The Mugumu Safe House turned out to be an amazing and cozy home for the young abandoned infant. The girls were so happy to welcome Salama into the home and love her as if she was their own child. They were all able to gain some inspiration and strength from the young girl’s amazing strength and resilience of spirit. The connection was miraculous and everyone ended up absolutely adoring little Salama.

The Girls Of Mugumu

The Girls Of Mugumu


Turning Tables

Although being abandoned is never a good situation, of course. However, the amazing thing is that Salama ended up with an amazing amount of love surrounding her. The little girls loved Salama as if she was their own daughter, and the girl ended up with over 100 mothers to look after her. The ending situation was a heartwarming joining together of young girls who had all been through many tribulations in their lives. It was the best outcome that Salama ever could have asked for.

Tanzanian Women Studying

Tanzanian Women Studying


Best of Friends

Sometimes abandoned babies are simply too far away or too undetectable for humans to rescue them. If someone doesn’t find them quickly, their chances of survival plummet. That’s why canine friends sometimes come in handy in rescues. When a friendly dog did the unthinkable, it changed a life in a rural area of Thailand. Local people and reporters were stunned by what this dog was able to miraculously accomplish when he sensed that someone was suffering and in deep trouble.

Ping Pong The Dog

Ping Pong The Dog 


Bothered Dog 

The sound of a barking dog isn’t something that most people relish in. Sometimes it can be useful as a warning, but most of the time, it is more of an annoyance. That is what Ping Pong the dog’s owners thought when their dog would not stop barking one afternoon. They were in the rural village of Ban Nong Kham when Ping Pong suddenly started going crazy and running out towards the fields. He was even digging incessantly in the dirt.

Ping Pong And His Owner

Ping Pong And His Owner


What Happened

When the owners were finally fed up with hearing their dog bark, they headed outside to see what he was going so crazy about. As it turned out, the dog was actually barking in order to raise and alarm and get their attention. When they approached the scene, they noticed that there was a baby’s arm sticking out of the dirt where Ping Pong was digging. He was trying to rescue an infant, so the man jumped into action to help his dog.

Rescued Newborn Baby

Rescued Newborn Baby



Thanks to Ping Pong, the tiny baby was rushed to the hospital fast enough and ended up being given a perfect bill of health. Officials later found out that a teenage mother of only 15 years old had attempted to bury the baby boy alive. Ping Pong was the only one who actually noticed what happened and helped to find the boy before the attempt actually succeeded. The hospital remarked that the boy was saved just in the nick of time.

Locals Searching In Field

Locals Searching In Field


Loyal Friend

Ping Pong was well known around the local village for being such an amazing dog. His owner said “I kept him because he’s so loyal and obedient, and always helps me out when I go to the fields to tend to my cattle. He’s loved by the entire village. It’s amazing.” It was clear to everyone that Ping Pong saved the day and provided a second chance for the child who was left alone to die. The disabled dog was hailed as a hero.

Ping Pong And The Baby

Ping Pong And The Baby


Learning from Mistakes

Luckily, the baby’s young mother was also given a similar second chance at life. Although charged with attempted murder and child abandonment, the 15-year-old went home to her parents. She was put into the care of both them and a psychologist in order to help her learn from her mistakes and cope with her teenage motherhood. Thanks to Ping Pong, she was given a chance to meet her son and start a new life. Her parents decided to raise the baby instead of their daughter.

Owner And Dog

Owner And Dog


Second Chances 

The tragic stories of these young children or abandoned babies are not always just heartbreaking. In fact, the truth about these stories is that they often lead the way to heartwarming and life-changing new situations. In the case of baby Moses and Ping Pong the dog, the initial tragedies led to some amazing stories that took the world by storm. These aren’t the only occurrences- in fact, a child in Georgia lived to tell the incredible tale of her rescue against the odds.

Baby India At Different Stages

Baby India At Different Stages


Tragic Beginnings 

The story of baby India did not start in a happy place. In fact, it was just about one of the saddest things that could happen to a child. In Forsyth County, Georgia, a pregnant mother was stuck in a situation that she felt completely helpless about. For one reason or another, she did not want to care for the child she was about to birth. The pregnancy had been unexpected and unwanted- and the mother felt as though she was a deer in the headlights.

Struggling Mother

Struggling Mother 


Last Resort

When it was finally time to have her baby, the mother barely made it through her arduous labor. As she held her child in her arms for the first time, she made a life-changing and tragic decision. Her desperation led her to leave her newborn baby in the forest and run away. The brand new mother put her child in a plastic bag, not even bothering to clean her up or cut away her umbilical cord. She drove to the forest, hiding the plastic bag.

The Dark Wooded Area

The Dark Wooded Area


Never to be Found

The mother knew that her child was being left for dead, but she tried to tell herself otherwise. She simply couldn’t face the horrible decision that she had made. She left the forest, listening to her unnamed child’s cries slowly fading into the distance. The anonymous mother never thought that she would have to deal with the consequences of her decision ever again. She expected her infant to be lost in the woods forever, but that was not quite the case.

A Tiny Newborn Infant

A Tiny Newborn Infant


Moving Day

Fast forward to just a handful of hours later, and the scene in Forsyth County was quite different. Just around the corner from a wooded area, a family was excitedly beginning their moving day. The Ragatz family had been awaiting their moving day for months, and it was finally here. The stress and excitement of changing homes made them all full of energy. The first step was to tackle a storage trailer full of items that was in their backyard.

Getting Ready To Move

Getting Ready To Move


Nothing Exciting

There’s nothing very exciting about unloading storage and organizing your old stuff. The Ragatz sisters, Kayla and Kyler, were working together out in the backyard to get the job done as fast as possible. It felt like an absolutely normal day, and the sisters truly had no idea how their life was about to be changed. The girls joked and chatted as they unloaded the outdoor trailer, as the minutes crept by towards an unbelievable event just around the corner.

Cleaning The Backyard

Cleaning The Backyard


In the Distance

The change started slowly- with a tiny drop of noise in the distance. It was Kyler who first noticed the noise, initially wondering if there was a cat somewhere nearby. She heard a tiny squeak, but since they lived so close to the forest, she ignored the sound for a while. After a few minutes, there was a voice in Kyler’s head telling her that the sound was more important than she may have initially thought. She went with her gut and listened harder.

Edge Of The Yard

Edge Of The Yard


Sharing Concerns

Kyler had a strange feeling about the sound in the distance, so she decided to share her concerns with her sister Kayla. Once Kayla began listening, the two sisters were convinced that they had to investigate. Although they were trying to convince themselves that the sound was a cat or another animal, the girls had a sinking feeling that something much more sinister had taken place. “It sounded like a baby, but you never would think that it’s a baby,” said Kayla.

Searching In The Trees

Searching In The Trees



The sisters decided that they simply couldn’t let the sound go uninvestigated. They went inside to tell their parents about the concerning suspicions that they had. The family decided to grab some flashlights and see what was going on outside. It was dark out, so they carefully ventured into the woods, past the limits of their backyard. With every step they took, the Ragatz family could hear the crying sound becoming clearer and louder. Their hearts began to race as they searched for the source.

Alan Ragatz

Alan Ragatz


The Source

With the four of them searching committedly, it didn’t take long before the Forsyth family discovered what they were looking for. It was something that they all had their suspicions about but never really wanted to let themselves believe. When Kayla spotted a plastic bag under the dark shade of a tree, she knew immediately that the sound was coming from over there. The rest of the family followed her, and from feet away, they noticed movement in the plastic bag.

The Forest After Dark

The Forest After Dark


Sinking Feeling

The family was scared and nervous about what they might find in the plastic bag. At this point, they knew that their terrifying suspicions were probably correct. However, they didn’t want to believe it. The four of them banded together to walk towards the potential crime scene. When they were finally close enough to illuminate the plastic bag with their flashlights, everyone’s stomach dropped almost immediately. It was an image that none of them would ever forget, that’s for sure.

How India Was Found

How India Was Found



The first thing that they saw was a tiny arm sticking out of a ripped hole in the yellow plastic. They could hear the infant child’s cries so clearly now, and their worst suspicions were confirmed. It was an abandoned baby, tied into a plastic bag, left alone in the dark of the forest. At first, the only thing they could see was the child’s tiny arm, flailing, begging for someone to rescue her. There was a moment of stunned silence.

Abandoned Plastic Bag

Abandoned Plastic Bag


Reaction Time

 After a split second of initial shock, the family jumped into action to help the baby girl. They opened the plastic bag to make sure the child could breathe. However, the family was sure to call the authorities before they did anything more. Each one of them was shocked and saddened by the scene they had encountered. As their adrenaline pumped, the Ragatz group called 9-1-1 and asked for immediate assistance. It wasn’t long before they could hear the sirens in the distance.

Police Rushing To The Scene

Police Rushing To The Scene


Help Has Arrived 

As the Ragatz family waited for the authorities to arrive, they were trying to absorb the horrible situation that was unfolding right near their backyard. The young sisters said, “she was in the plastic bag tied up, but her arm had come out of the bag.” It was, evidently, a lot to take in. Kyler started crying almost immediately, overcome by emotions. “I was angry, scared, sad.” The rest of the family shared her sentiment of both horror and relief that the young girl was still alive.

Moments After The Rescue

Moments After The Rescue


Swooping In

It didn’t take long for the Forsyth County Sheriff’s Department to arrive on the scene. The Sheriff’s Deputy was the first person to arrive to the wooded area. Terry Roper didn’t hesitate to scoop the small child up into his arms. When he saw the tiny baby, crying for her life, he was overcome with the need to help and protect her. He lifted the baby up and caressed her, trying to warm her up. With the child safely in his arms, everyone was able to breathe out a small breath of relief.

Sheriff Speaking About India

Sheriff Speaking About India



There was still a lot to be done, investigated, and double checked. However, for those on the scene- time seemed to stop for a moment. Terry Roper cradled the infant and held her there for a moment. “When we were able to pick her up, wrap her up, get her a little warm, I was able to talk to her a little bit,” he said. The first responders’ main priority was ensuring that the child was okay, even in the midst of such an emergency situation.

Officer Cradling Rescued Baby

Officer Cradling Rescued Baby


First Love

However, it was about more than just ensuring the baby’s safety. Terry Roper said, “I wanted to give her comfort. A little bit later I realized it was the first time she had felt love, and I felt honored to be able to give her that.” Evidently, many of the professionals and people on the scene at that point were overcome by emotions, feeling for the abandoned baby and hoping against hope for her to be okay, even in such a situation.

Baby Wrapped Up

Baby Wrapped Up


What’s Next?

After the initial rescue and surveying of the scene, it was time to get the baby into proper medical care. For the time being, the Sheriff’s department nicknamed the infant “India” to help identify her more easily. They had no idea how long she had been lying all alone in the dark of the forest. Not to mention, everyone knew just how fragile newborn babies are, and India seemed to be brand new. They felt like holding their breath until they got the news.

India At The Hospital

India At The Hospital


Miracle News

It took a few hours to get results back from the hospital. As it turned out, baby India had not experienced any injuries during her time alone. For a newborn baby abandoned in such a hostile environment, this result was nothing short of a miracle. Even the Sheriff’s office didn’t hesitate to categorize the rescue as a miracle. The hospital confirmed that the baby girl had likely only been born a mere few hours before being found in the forest.

Camera Footage Of Baby's Discovery

Camera Footage Of Baby’s Discovery


Heartwarming Moments

During the reporting of the incidence, the Sheriff’s office decided to release their officers’ body cam footage of the rescue. Although an infant being abandoned in the woods may sound terrifying and heartbreaking, the truth is that baby India’s rescue was a great way to boost faith in humanity. Footage shows that the baby girl was rescued with so much compassion and love, with everyone around her contributing to saving her life. Many watchers found it difficult to watch without crying.

Officer Involved In The Rescue

Officer Involved In The Rescue


Holding On

Footage of the infant’s rescue shows everything that happened from the moment that the police arrived on the scene. As the officer ran towards the scene, listeners can hear the baby’s loud cries, calling out for help. When the Sheriff’s Deputy arrived, he pulled the infant from the bag and wrapped her in a makeshift blanket from his squad car. Without a doubt, baby India felt so much relief and comfort in that moment. She can even be seen wrapping her hand around the Sheriff’s.

Searching The Forest

Searching The Forest


Thriving Baby

Despite having an unbelievable first chapter, it turns out that baby India’s story is nowhere near over. The rescuers appeared on Good Morning America to tell the nation about the odd-defying rescue. It was there that they revealed the amazing news that India is thriving and in perfect health. She is being cared for by the Georgia Department of Family and Children Services, happy to be warm, alive, and loved. Heartwarming photos show the baby looking completely different from when she was found.

Safe And Snug

Safe And Snug


Still Questions 

Baby India’s survival is only the first step for the Sheriff’s Department. It’s clear that she was abandoned intentionally, wrapped into a tied yellow plastic bag. Evidently, this is a heinous crime, and police are determined to find the person who abandoned her. The Sheriff’s Department made the decision to release their body camera footage, as well as photos of India, in order to spread the word. They are hoping that someone might recognize the child and step forward with information.

Georgia Sheriff's Announcement

Georgia Sheriff’s Announcement


Not Over

Sheriff Ron Freeman is certainly not done being involved in India’s story. He explained on Good Morning America that the police still need to find out the identity of her parents as well as the reason that she was left behind so horribly. He said, “Whoever left this child there did not leave this child with the intent of it being found. We need the public’s help… somebody knows something about Baby India.” He is hoping the media will help get the word out there.

India After Rescue

India After Rescue


Lost and Found

There’s a reason that India’s abandonment bothered the Ragatz family and the rescuers so much- and why they’re working so hard to find out who did it. It’s because there are so many other options for unwanted babies. In fact, the state of Georgia has its very own Safe Haven Law. The law allows for mothers to leave their babies in the hands of someone else. This law is in place to ensure that abandonments and deaths, such as India’s, do not happen.

Arriving On The Scene

Arriving On The Scene


Safe Haven

Georgia’s Safe Haven Law states that India’s mother could have left her baby with anyone at a hospital, sheriff’s station, fire station, or even police station. It just has to happen within 30 days of the baby’s birth. The Sheriff’s Department was seriously concerned about why India was left for dead, rather than saved by the Safe Haven Law. That’s why they are beyond determined to find out who is really responsible for the baby’s harrowing first hours of life.

Safe Haven Law

Safe Haven Law 


The Chances 

The Ragatz family and the Sheriff’s Department both recognized just how slim the chances were of India being found at all. The Sheriff expressed his gratitude for the rescue, particularly towards the Ragatz family. He explained that he would not stop searching for the person who abandoned India, “I don’t know how you even conceive of another human being doing something like this to a beautiful young child like that.” His pain about the situation is certainly fueling the search.

Rescued baby

Rescued baby


Hope Growing

Due to the viral nature of the story, the Sheriff’s Department has expressed that they have a lot of hope for finding India’s parents. Freeman said, “It gives me hope more that we can solve it because people are interested. If this doesn’t tug at your heartstrings and really get to the core of your soul, then I don’t know if I ever want to have a conversation with you.” Luckily, the department has received an outpouring of information and support.

Georgia's Family And Child Services

Georgia’s Family And Child Services


Hundreds of Families

Although the search for India’s parents continues, authorities want to make sure that the girl has a stable and happy home. The decision to place her with an adoptive family, at least temporarily, was recently made. The adoption agency was nearly overpowered by the sheer amount of inquiries they received about India- well over 700. India’s sad story of abandonment at birth has tugged on the hearts of many people hoping to give her a loving place to call home.

Potential Adoptive Parents

Potential Adoptive Parents


Happy Baby

So, although her story has a challenging start, baby India is doing better than ever. Audiences, adoption agency workers, and police officers around the state and around the world have been blown away by the amount of love people are giving her. About India, the director of Georgia’s Family and Children Services explained, “She likes being held. She’s smiling a lot. She’s actually doing really well. She’s a very healthy weight.” This confirms that baby India has a lot ahead of her and enormous potential.

Thriving Newborn Baby

Thriving Newborn Baby