Miracle Baby Moses Rescued from Certain Death

Published on November 3, 2019

Not Alone 

As he was walking down the street by himself, the old farmer thought he heard a noise in the distance. For a moment, he stopped walking to see if he heard it again. For a few minutes, he listened but did not hear the strange noise another time. As he continued walking, he could hear the faint sounds become clearer and clearer. He became sure of himself as he listened for the odd sound that was almost lost in the rush of the wind.

Elderly Haitian Man

Elderly Haitian Man

Strange Noise

The old farmer was used to hearing plenty of noise out in the fields and on the streets of Haiti. At first, he didn’t think anything of it. However, as the faint cries cut through the silence, he realized that they were definitely coming from a person or child. The sound seemed like someone crying or wailing- although he could barely hear it. It sounded like the person was far away or buried beneath something. Luckily, he decided to try and figure out where it was coming from.

Rural Area In Haiti

Rural Area In Haiti