The Most Controversial Films That Have Ever Been Released

Published on February 7, 2023

Once Upon a Time in Hollywood

Quentin Tarantino is no stranger to controversy, and this was the case with his film Once Upon a Time in Hollywood as well. Although the film was a critical success, many felt that the film’s portrayal of Bruce Lee was offensive, including his daughter Shannon Lee. A lot of people felt that the film also objectified women and displayed gratuitous violence.

Once Upon A Time In Hollywood

Once Upon A Time In Hollywood


Not only was the film Alexander 3 hours long, it seemed like it was an amalgamation of many different ideas shoved together into one long film. Colin Farrell played the title character, and the far too young Angelina Jolie played his mother. There were plenty of historical inaccuracies as well. Need any other reason to see why it caused a stir?

