What Are These Olympic Athletes Up To These Days?

Published on March 26, 2023

Peggy Fleming

In 1968, Peggy Fleming became the Olympic figure skating champion, just two years after securing the world championship title. Since then, she has continued to skate professionally, performing in shows around the world. In addition to her skating career, Fleming has also served as a goodwill ambassador for the United States, visiting countries like the Soviet Union and China during the tense years of the Cold War. Today, she is still celebrated as one of America’s most beloved athletes, frequently invited to provide commentary during the Winter Games. In her personal life, Fleming also runs a winery with her husband.

Peggy Fleming

Peggy Fleming

Sarah Hughes

Sarah Hughes began ice skating at age three, as her father was a college hockey player. She won a gold medal just before her 17th birthday, becoming the first American woman to win an Olympic gold without first winning a world or US title in skating. Inspired by her mother becoming breast cancer survivor, Hughes has worked tirelessly to help raise awareness, even saying: “I always said that if I can get one person to get a mammogram, I’ve accomplished something.”

Sarah Hughes

Sarah Hughes