You Won’t Believe These Stunning Celebrity Children at the Same Age as Their Parents

Published on February 7, 2022

Scott’s Breakout

Scott made his first appearance in a Nicolas Sparks movie, but we are going to pretend that didn’t happen. Since his first appearance, he has starred in several action movies, helping to push him toward the realm of his famous father. His first big role came in 2016 with the release of Snowden, then he later went on to appear in Suicide Squad and later in the Fast and Furious Franchise.

Scott Eastwood In Suicide Squad

Scott Eastwood In Suicide Squad

Clint’s Legacy

Clint Eastwood forever changed what it meant to be a hard ass on the big screen. He has played everything from an outlaw cowboy to a feared Army Sargent. He has even played the grizzled cop Dirty Harry. Eastwood has retreated from the big screen in recent years, but he has not been idle. These days he works as a director and occasionally producer. One thing is for sure, he changed the western genre forever, making them more akin to Italian Westerns than early American Westerns.

Clint Eastwood As Dirty Harry

Clint Eastwood As Dirty Harry