Firefighters are Stunned When They Realize What They’ve Saved

Published on July 18, 2021

Making the Discovery

Whether the mother was nearby or not, these creatures needed medical attention. If they were domestic, then they would likely be treated and then put in foster care before being adopted. If they were wild, then they would need to be treated and released back into the wild when it was time. Without knowing what animal it was, the firefighters couldn’t be sure what their recovery would entail.


Getting to the Bottom of It

The First Baby

One firefighter finally got down onto his stomach and began to reach into the dark sewer. It was wet and full of garbage, but his gloved hand finally met with the wriggling body of a small creature. He raised his hand out of the sewer and placed the tiny animal on a white blanket that had been laid out for them. It was then, once he could finally see the animal in good light, that he immediately knew what they were dealing with.


The Truth