Firefighters are Stunned When They Realize What They’ve Saved

Published on July 18, 2021

Swept Away

The woman explained that earlier in the day the streams along the curbs had all been very heavy with water from a rainfall the night before. She could see the puppies getting caught in the fast-moving water, eventually making their way to the sewer grate and being sucked in! They were so small that they were unable to stop themselves from taking the plunge into the storm drain. The firefighters let out a sigh of relief.


So Much Rain


The firefighters got all of the puppies loaded up into their truck, and decided that they would immediately head for the closest veterinary clinic. While they traveled, the team tried to guess what kind of dog breed they were. Based on their length, their tails, and their color, the team came to the conclusion that they were some form of a Labrador, or a mix with a Labrador. This kind of dog breed was highly sought after, since they were supposed to be such good family dogs.


The Obvious Breed