Firefighters are Stunned When They Realize What They’ve Saved

Published on July 18, 2021

Sharing the News

As soon as Mark heard the truth, he had to go to his comrades and tell them what was going on. The man had been so sure that the animals were puppies; he would have put money on it! Luckily, he didn’t, but this was still too funny not to share with all of the men and women who had been there that day. Everyone else had a similar response to Mark’s story. They all burst out laughing! How did these two animals look so alike?


Quite a Laugh

Common Mistake

The firefighters felt silly for being so sure that they had found puppies. However, the vet assured them that this was a normal mistake that was made! Foxes are in fact a part of the canine family, so they look very similar to dogs when they are born! It also didn’t help that foxes often had black fur when they were born, which would later turn into the brighter, orange color they had as adults. No one could believe it!


A Baby Fox