Firefighters are Stunned When They Realize What They’ve Saved

Published on July 18, 2021

Safety First 

Even though someone’s intentions might be good, animals don’t always understand when we’re trying to help. Oftentimes they think we are trying to harm them instead of help them. In times of danger or pain, animals can lash out and cause injury to people, so it’s best to get some backup. The team thanked the woman who reached out to them; she had taken all of the right steps to make sure the animals were rescued safely.


Making the Right Call

Never Forget

The firefighters who were a part of this story would never forget this tale. What had looked like an open and closed case of lost puppies ended up being a much wilder experience! These days, the men and women who were a part of that day always make sure to double-check what kind of animals they’re working with. They never make assumptions before they stick their hands into a dark space to grab a distressed animal. Lesson learned!


A Second Chance