People Stopped the Funeral When Child Says Something to His Dead Mother

Published on May 16, 2023
David would be seeing his mother for the last time. Though it was horrible, the funeral was already arranged. She had died too early, and David went to visit her with his aunt. However, something unusual happened, and he said something was odd. It happened a few times, so they decided to stop the funeral, postponing it until later.

David and Rose were the last two mourners to go past the casket of his deceased mom. Rose tried hard not to cry because he didn’t understand what was going on, as he was a young child. However, when he spoke up, it shocked the crowd. What was it he saw? Could his mom still be alive?

Sign from Above

The sun was shining over the cemetery, though it usually rains at this time of year. Today was different. Rose saw it as a sign that her sister was watching over her, so she took David in her arms and went to the coffin.

Sign from Above

Sign from Above

The Final Goodbye

David was upset and didn’t know why everyone around him was crying. He looked at his mother with concern and talked to her. Rose was shocked by his words, calling the undertaker. What did David say, and why did it upset his aunt?

The Final Goodbye

The Final Goodbye


Deeply Loved

Haily had been a great mom to David, and they did everything together. In fact, she said she loved him so much as to die for him, which actually happened! Her love for the child was strong, and she’d give him whatever he wished.

Deeply Loved

Deeply Loved


Morning Routine

David and Haily went for a walk each morning. He would spend hours at the park, swinging on the swings. In fact, he’d grin while Haily pushed him. Since he was too young for school, he spent a lot of time with his mom.

Morning Routine

Morning Routine


Wednesdays Are Hers

David’s dad abandoned her when she gave birth and never tried contacting or meeting her son. Her dad, Jonah, stepped up and became a role model. She’d send her baby to her parent’s house each Wednesday to spend time alone because it was healthy.

Wednesdays Are Hers

Wednesdays Are Hers


Her Younger Sister

Haily and Rose were born four years apart, so Rose was protective of her sister. Plus, David adored her,  and so they developed a special bond. That caused Haily to name Rose as David’s godmother, which she soon found out when her sister died.

Her Younger Sister

Her Younger Sister


The Tragedy

Haily’s death was a tragedy, and she died way too young. The entire neighborhood mourned for her. There were plenty of elderly and families living there, and it was peaceful. However, the town wouldn’t forget this day.

The Tragedy

The Tragedy



Haily was ready to drop David at her parent’s house on Wednesday after packing for them and getting dressed. She’d overslept that morning, so she was in a rush. However, something horrible occurred when she made breakfast.




Can’t Find David

It was time for breakfast, but Haily couldn’t find David. He wasn’t in his playpen, and she panicked, looking everywhere in the house. Then, she remembered that she’d left the garden gate open. Could it be possible?

Can't Find David

Can’t Find David


Her Worst Fear

She grabbed her shoes and went outside to find David. She saw him at the playground, which meant he’d crossed a dangerous intersection. Therefore, she ran to him without thinking of the cars all around. Just as she got to him, catastrophe struck!

Her Worst Fear

Her Worst Fear


Mom’s Gone

David didn’t know what had happened. His aunt picked him up and took him to his grandparent’s house, but he was happy to have seen the ambulance and police cars. Why was everyone depressed, and where was his mom?!

Mom's Gone

Mom’s Gone


Distracting Herself

Rose was joyful and strong for her nephew, but it hurt inside. She’d lost her best friend and sister. She realized David didn’t know, so he became her diversion. Though she thought he would live with her parents, that didn’t happen!

Distracting Herself

Distracting Herself



Rose learned that she was named as David’s godmother. Why had her sister kept that information from her? She loved her nephew but hadn’t pictured herself being a mom. Then, she found out Haily had left her home to Rose.




Moving Fast

David was to live with his grandparents until the funeral so that Rose could relocate to Haily’s house. She struggled with this because everything happened so fast. In a few hours, she’d lost her sister, moved homes, and became a mom!

Moving Fast

Moving Fast


David’s Dad

After the accident, Rose received a phone call from an unknown number. Soon, she realized it was David’s dad, Vincent. He wanted to be David’s legal guardian, but she was his godmother. They clashed, and he threatened her.

David's Dad

David’s Dad


Searching for His Son

Later, the doorbell rang, and she opened the door to see Vincent. He barged in, demanding to see his son. However, David was still at her parent’s house. She was confused about why Vincent wanted to see his son after all this time.

Searching for His Son

Searching for His Son


All the Emotions

She asked why he was now interested in being a dad after not seeing him after the birth. Rose’s emotions got the best of her, and she burst into tears. However, she continued by saying that David didn’t know him, and he’d never paid child support.

All the Emotions

All the Emotions


Not Over Yet

Rose simply couldn’t argue right now, and this was the worst time. She had to be alone to grieve for her sister and be positive for David when he came home. Therefore, she asked Vincent to stay until after the funeral.

Not Over Yet

Not Over Yet


The Familiar Voice

She went to her parent’s house the following day to explain what happened. However, Vincent was already there on the couch in the living room. David was entertaining himself and grinned happily when he saw his aunt, giving her a huge hug.

The Familiar Voice

The Familiar Voice


Lying to the Parents

Rose asked why Vincent was there, and he told her what he’d told her parents. However, it was a lie. He claimed Haily threw him out and barred his son from seeing him. Though she tried explaining, Vincent interrupted and claimed Haily had lied.

Lying to the Parents

Lying to the Parents


Be Careful

Her parents threw Vincent out and told him not to come back, though he promised he would fight. Rose must be cautious now, so she called the undertaker to warn them of Vincent. He couldn’t be at the funeral!

Be Careful

Be Careful


Maternal Instinct

The funeral was in three days, and she’d be David’s legal guardian. She was terrified and hoped that the maternal instinct would kick in, but she had no idea what to do. Therefore, she went through her sister’s things to find a diary or something.

Maternal Instinct

Maternal Instinct


Her Sister’s Diary

She knew it wasn’t right to read her sister’s diary, but she needed to know if Haily had explained anything about Vincent. She found a small red book and started to read, wishing her sister was there with her.

Her Sister's Diary

Her Sister’s Diary


No Birthday Cards

Haily wrote about the good times and how beautiful her son was. She also talked about Vincent and how he wouldn’t call her back or send David birthday cards. Why would he care about his son now?! This was perplexing.

No Birthday Cards

No Birthday Cards



Rose went to the police station the next day, but they said she required proof. Therefore, she had no choice but to go home. Vincent was there, and she told him about the visit to the cops to discuss his actions.




Scared of the Cops

Vincent went pale when he heard “police officers,” and Rose asked him about it. However, he rushed away without saying a word. Hopefully, it would be the last time she’d see him, but then the doorbell rang.

Scared of the Cops

Scared of the Cops


Worrying Information

She thought it was Vincent, but she was surprised to see a police officer at her door. They’d investigated the man and discovered worrying information about him. In fact, he’d been the driver that killed his sister.

Worrying Information

Worrying Information


A Small World

Rose was stunned to hear this. Since Haily and Vincent never spoke, how could he hit her with a car? The police officer continued by saying they’d attempted to find the car owner but couldn’t. Now that they knew it was him, they asked for her help.

A Small World

A Small World


The Plan to Catch Him

She said she’d help, but she said she’d already told Vincent she’d been to the cops. They created a plan. Vincent might feel bad and attend the funeral to pay his respects. If that was the case, they could be called and show up to apprehend him.

The Plan to Catch Him

The Plan to Catch Him


Her Last Goodbye

Rose told everyone of the plan and was sick to her stomach on the day of the funeral. She wanted it all to be over, but she needed to say goodbye to her sister. She met her parents and had David with her so that they could start.

Her Last Goodbye

Her Last Goodbye


Small Ceremony

It was a small gathering, and Rose and her parents said nice things about Haily and how she’d left the world too soon. Rose was tense most of the time, glancing around to see if Vincent was there. However, he didn’t show up.

Small Ceremony

Small Ceremony


In the Building

After the funeral, everyone formed a line to say goodbye at her casket. It was open, and she seemed at peace. However, she saw two police officers in the room and wondered if Vincent was there.

In the Building

In the Building


Focusing on David

Rose let it all go and focused on her and David. This was important for him, and he needed to see his mother for the last time. He didn’t know what was happening, but she wanted her nephew’s response to seeing his mother in the coffin.

Focusing on David

Focusing on David


Comforting David

He was agitated and didn’t know why people were crying. He looked to Rose, and she offered a smile. They were the last two people to go past the casket, and he looked down at his mom for the last time, asking if she was sleeping.

Comforting David

Comforting David


Getting Frustrated

Rose wasn’t sure what to say but murmured, “Yes.” She realized David had a strange expression on his face and got irritated when he said something, and she didn’t respond. He wanted to get free, but she stepped away and set him on the ground.

Getting Frustrated

Getting Frustrated


Waiting Outside

Rose finally heard what he was saying and told the undertaker what he’d discovered. She couldn’t let the funeral end without resolving this. Rose promised to check into it, so they had to wait. This calmed David.

Waiting Outside

Waiting Outside


A Sign

The sun was shining brightly, and she knew that her sister was beside her in spirit. David brushed tears off her cheek while she cried. She finally realized it would all be okay.

A Sign

A Sign


Everything’s Sorted Out

The undertaker told her that he had fixed the problem, and she went back inside with David to look at her sister again. Rose was shocked that he would see a minor detail like that, which proved how much he had loved her.

Everything's Sorted Out

Everything’s Sorted Out


Her Necklace

David realized that Haily was not wearing her necklace with his initials on them. Rose had given it to her sister at the birth, and she’d worn it since. However, the paramedics removed it after the accident, and she’d picked it up from the hospital.

Her Necklace

Her Necklace



Though Haily got cremated, they put a memorial stone on a wall for visits. Rose went to pick up her nephew’s clothes and remembered Vincent. Her parents said that the undertaker had noticed him and called the cops. They could now have closure over their family tragedy.

