Serena Williams was a very busy, successful woman. She was constantly traveling for tennis, and was even busy during her off-days. She loved the lifestyle she was living, and was very independent. The people who knew her best always wondered if she would ever settle down with a partner. After all, Serena was now in her 30’s, and time wasn’t slowing down at all! Serena, however, paid no mind to it. She was focused on her career.

There weren’t many men who were seen with Serena throughout the years. As any celebrity, the woman was photograpped all the time, but she was always seen out with friends or family. Of course, the person she was most often seen with was her sister, Venus, who was a successful tennis player as well. The two often played in pairs together, dominating other pairs on the court and proving their athleticism. Finding a man wasn’t on Serena’s radar at all.

The Sisterhood
When Serena was in her early thirties, the stars were beginning to align. Even though she was as busy as ever in her tennis career, someone was about to appear in her life and turn everything upside-down. Naturally, Serena wouldn’t be looking for it at first, but in time, it would become clear that her life wasn’t just about tennis anymore. It all started at a restaurant in Rome, where Serena was dining with friends.

Hanging Out
At first, no one thought that Serena and her future partner could be a match. The first time they made contact in 2015, Serena’s friends were trying to get him away from her! The pair were eating at the same restaurant, and he apparently sat too close to her. Her friends tried to tell him there was a rat near his seat, and he casually responded that he saw rats all the time in his hometown, Brooklyn. Serena invited the man, Alex, to dine with them after that.

Fate Steps In
When they first met, Alexis had a general knowledge about who Serena Williams was, but he wasn’t totally sure that this was who he was talking to in the restaurant. The problem was that he hardly watched any tennis, so it was impossible for him to know for sure. He didn’t want to embarrass himself, so he avoided the topic altogether and was happy to know her either way. Luckily, he was able to get everything straight before their next meeting.

A Few Uncertainties
Serena would later admit that she was not familiar with the website Reddit before she met Alexis. Naturally, that meant that she had zero idea about Alexis or what he did for a career. It was kind of nice that neither really knew much about the other, since this allowed them to meet on an even playing field and be themselves. Unfortunately, Alexis eventually asked Serena what she thought of the website, and she couldn’t provide much detail.

Getting to Know Eachother
In casual, celebrity style, the pair agreed that they would go on their first date in Paris, France. To be fair, Serena was playing in the French Open, and she had to stay in the area for training and matches. Alexis agreed to the date, but he didn’t have very high expectations. In his mind, Serena was way out of his league, but he was very intrigued by her and wanted to get to know her better.

Zero Expectations
Alexis ending up heading to Paris and meeting Serena for an evening on the town. The pro-athlete took him to a zoo, a few shopping malls, and eventually, the Eiffel Tower. Talk about a first date! The pair weren’t able to completely avoid the paparazzi and fans, and Alexis was able to get a bit of a taste of what an ordinary day with Serena would be like. Luckily for her, she already had him wrapped around her little finger.

Wild First Date
Although the couple would be photographed a few times over the next year, Serena was adamant that she wanted to keep her private life protected. Alexis was happy to oblige, and the pair dated in secret, away from prying eyes. It might seem like a bad sign, but it’s impossible to imagine what it’s like having people ask you personal questions and take your picture all day long, every day. For Serena, Alexis was her escape from the world, and she liked that they could be together without pressure from the media.

Love at First Sight
It wasn’t until November 2016 that Serena finally made a move to make her private life more public. It had been a year since she met Alexis, and she was finally posting a photo of the two of them together on social media. It was a Halloween photo, and Alexis was dressed up as a bear. The photo isn’t very suggestive, but it confirmed rumors that the tennis star and Reddit co-founder were in fact dating. The world went a bit crazy in response.

Rumors Confirmed
During the 15 months that they were together, Serena and Alexis were only linked to one another one time. Outside of that, rumors circulated about Serena being with Drake, as well as rapper Common. For the most part, no one had ever suspected that the pair would ever be attracted to one another. They were able to use this as their protection, since no one even noticed when they were seen out and about together.

A Spark Ignited
As for Alexis, he had just ended a five-year relationship when he met Serena at that restaurant. He had been with his high school sweetheart for five years. She was a microbiologist, and a very, very smart young woman. However, things weren’t meant to be. Obviously, the universe wanted Alexis and Serene to meet for a reason. It was clear to Alexis that he wanted to take this relationship to the next level very soon. He could tell that Serena was the woman for him.

Something New
On their one-year anniversary, Alexis wanted to do something special for Serena. He invited her to Rome, and planned to meet her at the restaurant where they first met. When Serena arrived at the location, there was a long trail of rose petals into the restaurant and up to the table where they had sat. He even put a fake rat on the table to remind her of the hilarious way they had met. Of course, Serena was smitten with the man.

Hopeless Romantic
Alexis asked Serena to marry him, and she happily said yes. Now was the time when the world would find out about the pair being together, and that they were getting married. Fittingly, Serena turned to Reddit to post about their engagement, saying that she was the “Future Mrs. N0thing”, which was a reference to Alexis’ own username. People began to comment in droves, and Alexis later commented that he was the happiest man in the world. They wouldn’t have to hide anymore.

Match Made in Heaven
The ring that was given to Serena is absolutely insane. The ring itself has an emerald cut, as well as an eternity band wrapped around it. At the tip of the emerald, you can also see three pear-shaped stones. The ring is 14 carats in total, which means this ring is impossible to miss. Serena wears it pretty frequently, regardless of the fact that it is enormous and probably very, very heavy. We have no idea how much it truly cost, but we can bet it was an outrageous amount.

Ring of the Century
The couple met in 2015, and they were married by 2017. In most cases, this would be a very fast turnaround time, but when you know, who cares? Well, most people who have an opinion had one about this, and they all said that the pair had married way too fast. Even though they hardly knew the pair as a couple, people jumped to conclusions. Alexis and Serena stayed strong though, refusing to give in to the negativity.

Saying I Do
Regardless of what everyone else was saying, Serena and Alexis planned their wedding and walked down the aisle. At the end of the day, the pair were married, and no one could say anything else about it. It looked as though the pair were happily in love, and uninterested in what anyone else was saying. As two people who had been in the spotlight for a long time, nothing that anyone said could touch them anymore.

Dream Day
Serena and Alexis were both huge fans of the Disney world, and so they decided that they would have a Disney theme for the wedding. It was a star-studded event, with guests being welcomed into the venue with the song “Be Our Guest”. Of course, they danced to the song, “Tale as Old as Time” for their first dance, and treated guests to an array of performances and experiences. It was unforgettable to say the least.

Dream Wedding
Unfortunately, the only thing that didn’t go right for Serena’s big day, was that her father couldn’t be there. In fact, he chose not to be. He had purchased a suit and was prepared to be there, but backed out at the last minute. For some reason, he was too nervous to be there, and texted her just a short while before everything began. Somehow, the woman was understanding and didn’t blame him for anything.

On With the Show
After their wedding took place, Serena later admitted that she had never imagined she would ever marry a white man. It was a very honest comment, one that we’re sure lots of other people were thinking as well. Fortunately, in this day and age, interracial couples are nothing to think about, since color has nothing to do with anything when it comes to love. Serena added that she and Alexis were absolutely opposites, but that they complimented one another.

The Perfect Pair
When the wedding was complete, Serena and Alexis were able to head off to their honeymoon destination. The couple didn’t go anywhere too crazy; in fact, you could go there if you wanted to! That is, if you have $35,000 to spend on a week-long vacation. The pair went to the Bahamas, and they stayed at Kamalame Cay Resort. The location sat just off of the Andros Great Barrier Reef. They had views of the beach and perfect sunsets every night!

Soaking Up the Sun
Just before Serena was set to compete in the Australian Open, she began to have some strange experiences within her body. She didn’t know what was going on, but she was getting nervous and not feeling like herself. As the days loomed closer to the open, Serena thought that she should rule out all of the possibilities. With that, the pro-athlete headed to the store about bought a pregnancy test. You won’t believe where she was!

Something Was Off
Of all places to be when you’re wondering if you’re pregnant, Serena was attending a lingerie event. The company was called Berlei, and she was working as one of their spokespersons. At first, Serena was so focused on her job that she forgot to take the test! When she was finally heading back to her dressing room, she went into the bathroom and saw the testing waiting for her. It was then that her heart dropped, and she knew she had to find out for sure.

A Wild Day
Serena and Alexis had only just gotten married, and they didn’t have any plans to have a child in the near-future. However, the stick was definitely saying that Serena was pregnant! She couldn’t believe it, so she went back and bought five more tests to be sure. With all of the results saying the same thing, Serena had to accept that she was in fact pregnant! Serena had to wrap her head around this surprise, and still prepare for the Australian Open.

Serena had to go to the doctor, to make sure that she was still allowed to play. Of course, she wouldn’t want to put her baby in any kind of danger. Thankfully, she was cleared, and Serena went on to win the open! While people were happy for her success, some rumors started to spread about Serena that turned her back into a bad guy. Unfortunately, Serena accidentally sent out a Snapchat selfie that exposed her baby bump to the world.

A New Venture
Not surprisingly, people who learned that Serena had been pregnant while she competed went haywire. Opinions were coming in from left, right, and center about Serena’s horrible mothering habits, even though she explained that she did in fact get a doctor’s approval. At this point, there was no pleasing everyone, so Serena did her best to ignore all of the people who were trying to take this amazing moment away from her. Alexis did all he could to defend his wife, and future mother of his child.

Tough Crowd
Serena couldn’t believe what people were saying about her online. People were commenting on the weight gain she experienced during her pregnancy, and some people even began to put shade on her interracial relationship. At times, Serena avoided the internet altogether, so that she wouldn’t be sucked into the hole of negativity. Luckily, her fans would there for her, and stood up for her family. She was very grateful to them, and openly thanked them for their support.

Tough As Nails
After nine months, Serena revealed her baby girl to the world, named Olympia. The little, precious bundle was enough to make even the haters stop talking. The beautiful baby was a result of the love of two people, of which many people had doubted and questioned in the years prior. Alexis and Serena were proving that their love was stronger than anything, and now they had a daughter to dote on as well! It was everything she could have dreamed of.

Selfie Buddies
Naturally, Serena was still trying to keep things private in her life. This was especially true with her daughter. She later revealed though, that she had gone through a lot of complications during the pregnancy. During her contractions, Serena had a very low heartrate and had to go in for an emergency C-section. It wasn’t a part of the plan, and it was very scary for her. Luckily, Olympia was born healthy because of the change in plans! The road to recovery would be tough.

Worth the Struggle
Once Olympia was in the world, Serena still struggled. She experienced a lot of shortness of breath, and sometimes had to cough so hard that her C-section would re-open. She had to go in for another surgery, which took six weeks of healing. It was only then that the mother could take part in her regular duties, and she loved every moment of it. In her mind, it was a gift to be able to hold and lift her baby daughter without struggling.

It Wasn’t Easy
Alexis was there for Serena every step of the way, making sure that she knew that he would do as much as he could, whenever he could. Alexis has been an advocate for women, explaining that men should champion the women in their lives, even if they are more successful. In his mind, just showing up and supporting his wife and daughter is the most important thing he can do as a man. Of course, we can all agree that Alexis has it right.

A Good Man
During his time as a father, Alexis has been a huge advocate of paid family leave. Since he and Serena do so well for themselves, it was no problem for both of them to take off time to be with Olympia. However, Alexis was aware that most families cannot afford to have that time off. The husband has spoken numerous times on the importance of paid family leave. He believes that a family should be together during this special time, and not have to suffer the financial consequences.

A Good Advocate
As Serena shared more and more of her life as a mother on social media, she began to use a common hashtag known as #thismama. The hashtag is one that Serena uses when things aren’t going perfectly with her child, or when she’s had a humbling experience. She had been encouraing parents from all over to use the hashtag, in order to let other parents know that it isn’t always easy being a parent, and that you can’t put too much pressure on yourself.

The Toughest Job
As Olympia got older, Serena knew that it was time for her to start thinking about getting back into the swing of things. She was obviously not in the same shape she had been before, and it would take a lot of effort to get back to the athletic state she was in before. Serena was going to have to improve physically, if she was ever going to compete at the same level again. Unfortunately, one thing was stopping her.

Back in the Habit
Serena was trying as hard as she could to lose the weight she had gained, but something was holding her back. Unfortunately, it was actually the act of breastfeeding that was stopping her. So, Serena had to make the tough decision to stop breastfeeding her daughter, in order to get some better results. She explained the whole problem to her daughter, and they prayed together. Olympia seemed more than okay with the whole thing and Serena was very grateful.

Working to lose weight was something that brought up old emotions in Serena. Back in the early 2000s, the tennis player had dreams of being so much smaller than she was. She expressed that she wanted to somehow become a size four, and that she was willing to put the work in to get there. These days, Serena barely recognizes that woman. She has learned to love herself over time, and doesn’t want to please anyone else.

Size 4
Learning from the past, Serena hopes to take what she has learned in her life and pass those lessons down to her daughter. She is happy that she had that lapse in judgement, so that she can show her daughter that no one is perfect. However, she also wants her daugher to know that everyone should love the body they’ve been given, and that you don’t need to be someone else to make others happy.

Loving Yourself
While Serena had always imagined that she would go back to tennis after the birth of their daughter, her mind started to change as the time loomed closer. Naturally, she and her husband loved the idea of being with their daughter all of the time, and always being able to be together. In her mind, Serena played with the idea of leaving tennis for good to be a mother and wife. It didn’t seem like such a bad idea!

Happy Mommy
After living such a crazy and accomplished life already, Serena could understand why a quieter life was so attractive to her. She and Alexis talked about the potential of the family moving to San Francisco and settling down, where Alexis would be close to work. At the time, the plan seemed like it could work. Serena was seriously considering it, but no one knew this. It would have been a shock to the tennis world.

A Quiet Life
Serena changed something in Alexis from the moment he met her. As soon as they started dating, Alexis began to attend matches and support her all over the world. He started out hardly knowing anything about tennis, and now he is a super-fan for his wife! During most matches, you can see Alexis up in the stands, chanting and cheering at every opportunity. Of course, little Olympia is often there as well. It’s likely the best encouragement that Serena has ever had.

Her Biggest Fans
It was February of 2018 when Serena was finally ready to get back onto the tennis court. As a way of championing his wife, Alexis paid to have four billboards placed around the city, which collectively spelt “Greatest Mother of All-Time”, or G.M.O.A.T. The billboards included photos of Olympia as well as Serena, and fans of the couple couldn’t get enough! Though Serena wouldn’t go on to win this tournament, her whole family was there to cheer her on.

The G.M.O.A.T
Although we didn’t get to see the private moments between mother and daughter, Serena assured people that it wasn’t all rainbows. As a mother, Serena struggled, and she hated the sound of her daughter crying. It would make her made, and then she would feel badly for feeling mad. She struggled with her emotions, and did fall into a depression post-partum. She wanted to share this with the world, to help other mothers in the same boat.

Struggling Mother
When Serena won the French Open just before announcing her pregnancy, she had been number one in the standings. Unfortunately, taking off the time required after that left Serena’s ranking at the mercy of other players. She quickly dropped, and eventually made it all the way to number 453. As soon as the ranking was made public, the world lashed out at the people responsible for choosing the rankings. No one had seen this coming, but other female athletes were offended and angered by the results.

Something Up
Many female players lashed out, explaining that Serena was being punished for becoming pregnant and having to take a leave. Very important conversations started to take place, involving the idea that women’s rankings should not be altered when they leave to have a baby. The truth was that it was more than just a topic about tennis, it was about women in general and how they are treated. Serena was so overwhelmed to have so many women speaking on her behalf, and on the behalf of all women.

Lashing Out
Serena Williams has said before that she thinks she is the best athlete of all time. She’s not just talking about tennis—she’s talking about sports in general. In her mind, the only reason she isn’t considered is because she is a woman. If a man had accumulated as many trophies as she has, it may not even be a question. Although some people argue with her, it’s safe to say she has a point.

The World’s Greatest
It’s hard to understand or comprehend just how much Serena has accomplished in her career thus far. She won her first Grand Slam at the age of 17, and she continues to win the same honor into her late 30’s. Not to mention, she’s winning after having a baby! She has the most titles in the opens, and she’s managed to earn more than $84 million. How can anyone say she’s not the best athlete in the world?

Fierce Competitor
Amidst all the craziness, Alexis and Serena try to live a normal life. The pair wanted to go to the movies, so they rented out a theater for their friends and family. They watched the movie Those: Ragnorak, and also brought headphones for little Olympia. The pair documented the evening, and Alexis later posted a photo of Serena sleeping on his shoulder by the end of the movie. You can’t even make this stuff up it’s so cute!

Family Fun
Obviously, Serena has been asked on multiple occasions if she would ever have another child. In the summer of 2018, she explained that if she wasn’t so busy and playing so much tennis, she would most definitely already be pregnany with another child. She and Alexis loved having Olympia, and it would be amazing to give her a sibling to play with. However, at the time, it was impossible to fit a second child into their schedules.

Making Things Work
Serena now knows what it’s like to have a child put into her wild tennis schedule. When asked about having a second child, she has remarked that she probably wouldn’t be able to come back to tennis after a second one. It’s simply too much to juggle two children and a crazy career, and she would want to give 100% to one. She insists that putting only half of her focus on her children would not be an option.

Family First
Since dealing with post-partum depression, Serena still has days where she feels badly, and not herself. She has spent hours upon hours reading up on the topic, and knows that she is not alone. However, that doesn’t stop Serena from reaching out to others, and getting help with her situation. She feels like communication is the best tool for getting through post-partum struggles, and she wants other women to know that they should talk, too!

Mommy Time
No purchase is too expensive for this couple. Alexis is worth about $9 million, and has an eye for business ventures. After selling Reddit, the man went on to help with a handful of other companies, including Coinbase and Instacart. His main focus is investing in startup companies, which he helps to hone before they go public. So far, he has proved that he’s worth every penny. Of course, his wife is worth much more than he is, but he clearly doesn’t mind.

So Much Dough
Serena Williams is now worth approximately $150 million. About $90 million of that has come from her wins in tennis, and a large portion has also come from her sponsorships. Of course, she also has a hand in the fashion industry, which doesn’t hurt either. Alexis is happy to support his powerhouse wife, and we all know he has no problem encouraging her every step of the way. Even with all of that money between them, this pair seem to stay down to earth and humble.

Set for Life
Alexis has always said that being with Serena has humbled him. In the past, he always assumed that he was the hardest working man on the planet, and that his industry was the toughest. However, after seeing what Serena has to go through to stay on top, he is now of the mindset that being a professional athlete is the hardest thing in the world. He thinks that it’s so much harder than many people give credit for, but he knows the truth. He sees it in his wife every day.

A Humbled Man
Naturally, Serena has to be in the gym every single day for her career. In most cases, Alexis spends most of his time at a computer. Serena has spent a lot of time encouraging her husband to put his health first, and he has been seen going to the gym far more frequently than he used to. This is just another reason that Alexis loves his wife; she pushes him to be the best version of himself that he can be.

Strong Mama
Even though Serena travels all over the world, she has never gone one day without seeing her daughter. She credits her hard-working team, who make sure that her daughter can safely travel without problems. The little girl has been to Europe, Ohio, Miami, and even the Bahamas! She lives a wild life, but she’s very lucky to have a mother and father who want to be with her every single day. In time, she’ll realize just how lucky she truly is!

Best Mom Ever
It was May 2018 when a documentary called Being Serena was released on HBO. The movie provided fans with an inside look into the world of Serena and her family, and what her wild schedule has looked like since her pregnancy and marriage changed her life. It dives into the serious topics that Serena has struggled with, and provides viewers with a greater respect for the hard-working legend that is Serena Williams. It is a movie that everyone should see.

The Documentary
It was actually Serena who approached HBO in the first place. She had an idea of putting together a documentary so that people would be able to get a glimpse into the real world that she was a part of. Serena felt like people were only seeing the side of her that she shows in tennis, when really, she is so much more than just that athlete. The tennis player wanted to see a more personal side of her life, and perhaps gain a new insight into who she really is.

The Real Story
Through all of her ups and downs, Serena always knows that she can rely on her husband, Alexis, to get her through. Whether she plays for another five years, or just five days, she knows that her man will be waiting for her at the end of the game. Who could wish anything but the best for these two? Having pushed through so much judgement and negativity, they deserve to have a life filled with nothing but love and happiness.

Couple Goals
It seems as though Serena and Alexis were against the world from the start. Luckily, they have ignored the naysayers, and fought to have a life that they can love and be proud of together. These days, the haters don’t have much to say. The pair are still happily married with their baby girl in between them. Serena continues to play tennis, and it’s safe to say that Olympia will never find a better inspiration for the rest of her life.

Happily Ever After