Three Fishermen Spot Something Extraordinary On An Iceberg

Published on August 12, 2019
Allan, Cliff, and Mallory have been fishing together for years. It was just another normal day out at sea for this trio of brave fishermen, until something truly extraordinary happened that tested them completely and showed the extent of the goodness of humanity.

The Fishermen

Allan Russell, Cliff Russell, and Mallory Harrigan spent their days trawling the deep blue hoping to find something truly unique during their everyday fishing adventures.

The Fishermen

The Fishermen

Where It Began

The trio hail from a small fishing village off the coast of Labrador, Canada. Labrador is one of the provinces of the country that is most eastern, along with Newfoundland.

Where It Began

Where It Began


Living Off The Land

Labrador is on the eastern coast of Canada. Its climate is pretty harsh all year round and they have minimal contact with the outside world. For this reason, people and animals are forced to live off what the land and sea provide. 

Living Off The Land

Living Off The Land


Crabs For Everyone

Fishing has been a very successful business in this Canadian village for many years. With its vast waters and ample sea life, locals are able to make a living from fishing. All you need is patience and a passion for fishing.  

Crabs For Everyone

Crabs For Everyone


More Than A Passion

A fisherman has to not only be passionate about fishing but has to be dedicated and prepared for anything out at sea. Some days the weather conditions make it difficult to do your job and more arduous work is required. 

More Than A Passion

More Than A Passion


They Made It A Business

The friends had always loved spending time with one another and going fishing, so they decided to take the plunge and turn their hobby into a business. They pooled funds together to buy a fishing boat and started their very own fishing company.

They Made It A Business

They Made It A Business


Taking A Risk

Now, starting a small business is always risky, but starting one with friends is even more of an undertaking. You have to make sure that you trust and respect one another enough to be willing to go through tough business decisions and unexpected hurdles. These friends knew that their friendship could withstand the undertaking.

Taking A Risk

Taking A Risk


Down To Business

The boat may have been small, but it was enough to get the ball rolling. Since Labrador is a prime spot for fishing in Canada, the trio was already familiar with almost every species of aquatic animal in the sea.

Down To Business

Down To Business


The Lifestyle

Life as a fisherman isn’t just about clear waters and sunshine. The trio spent hours on the waters to catch as many fish as they could, but this was no easy task. They would rarely get off the boat without a few bumps and bruises.

The Lifestyle

The Lifestyle


Pressure To Deliver

Other than withstanding rough weather, these fishermen have to worry about catching enough to sell. Some days the baskets might be full of crabs, but other days they could be empty. One day they catch and one day they don’t.

Pressure To Deliver

Pressure To Deliver


The Difficulties

Owning and running a fishing business is no joke. There are many hardships that you can face, and these hardships will truly test friendships. But our trio had fostered their relationships over many years, and nothing that would be thrown their way could come between them.

The Difficulties

The Difficulties


Motivated, Hard Workers

It seems as though many people shy away from having to work hard and put in extra hours. But Allan, Cliff, and Mallory seemed to thrive off of working hard and staying motivated. Even though the work is tough and grueling, they never gave up and kept showing up every day to put in the effort.

Motivated, Hard Workers

Motivated, Hard Workers


Bonding On The Water

Despite the many difficulties, the thought of quitting never crossed their minds. Their love of fishing and teamwork only made their bond stronger. The trio always had something to talk about, even though they spent many long hours together.

Bonding On The Water

Bonding On The Water


Strengthening The Relationship

Cliff and Mallory were dating at the time, and Cliff’s son Allan joined them on their adventures because he’d always wanted to be a fisherman. Being on that boat together all day only helped in strengthening the couple’s relationship. 

Strengthening Their Relationship

Strengthening Their Relationship


Business As Usual

As time passed, our fishermen trio became more and more accustomed to daily life at sea. Their days consisted of early mornings and hard work. One day, they were out at sea, when something truly out of the blue appeared, surprising the seasoned fishermen.

Business As Usual

Business As Usual


The Unexplored

Every day always led to a new adventure. The trio didn’t know what to expect every time they headed out to sea. Each day was a mystery, but little did they know, things were about to take a truly unexpected turn.

The Unexplored

The Unexplored


A New Day

A new day at sea had dawned for the three fishermen. On this particular day, the crew’s spirits were unusually high. Mallory was especially eager to see what the sea held for them that day despite the cold weather.

A New Day

A New Day


The Early Bird

Mallory had woken up that morning with a very good feeling about the day. She was the first to arrive at the boat and started preparing for the journey. Allan and Cliff joined her a short while after to help out.

The Early Bird

The Early Bird


Prepping The Boat

Mallory always liked being the first one there to prepare for the day. She liked making sure that everything they needed was on board even though they would do it all over again when the guys arrived. It made her feel secure.

Prepping The Boat

Prepping The Boat


The Agenda

Before heading off on their journey, the crew checked that everything was ticked off their to-do list, which was created for safety reasons and to ensure that they had all the necessary tools on board in case of an emergency.

The Agenda

The Agenda


Planning Is Key

Having their list ready was of utmost importance. Leaving off one of the list items could mean the difference between being safe or not, as well as costing them more time to go back and get what was left behind. They double checked that everything was in order to avoid any bad situations.

Planning Is Key

Planning Is Key


Spending Quality Time

As important as planning and preparing the boat for sailing is, it’s also one of the easiest components of their work. But once the hard work began, it was balanced out with the fact that they got to spend so much time together, laughing and telling stories. The good friends never ran out of stories to share with each other.

Spending Quality Time

Spending Quality Time


Every Day Is A New Adventure

As the trio of fishermen greet one another every morning, it feels like a brand new day of adventures. So on this particular day, they worked hard to get everything set up while joking around, not imaging that it would be a completely different kind of day.

Every Day Is A New Adventure

Every Day Is A New Adventure


Calm Before The Storm

Nothing about this morning could have warned the fishermen about what was about to take place. The waters were calm and the air was clear – a perfect morning. They headed off, ready to take on the day. They would never forget what happened next.

Calm Before The Storm

Calm Before The Storm


Set Sail

The crew set sail and headed towards their usual crabbing spot. Fortunately the waters were clear and calm that morning, but this was just the beginning of their adventure. After sailing for a few miles, they found the perfect spot.

Set Sail

Set Sail


The Drop

When the crew arrived at their usual spot, they turned off the boat’s engine and got straight to work. They each went through the checklist one last time and carefully lowered the crab pots on to the ocean floor.

The Drop

The Drop


Finding The Perfect Spot Is Crucial

Any fisherman will tell you that finding the perfect spot is crucial to the success of the day. You may know an area very well, but if on that day the crabs decided to move on then you had to keep searching.

Finding The Perfect Spot Is Crucial

Finding The Perfect Spot Is Crucial


A Great Year So Far

The fishermen knew that patience was part of the process. After all, they had had an extremely great fishing season so far this year, and they wanted to continue the streak with a strong finish to the end of the season.

A Great Year So Far

A Great Year So Far


Record Breaking Season

This fishing season was so successful, that it was actually record breaking for this fishing crew. They knew that a lot of luck was involved, so they hoped this lucky streak of success could continue uninterrupted.

Record Breaking Season

Record Breaking Season


High Risk, High Reward

Since this was a successful season, the crew was quite happy with how the season turned out. As everything is up to chance, fishing is quite the risky undertaking. When times aren’t as lucky, hard times call fall on the crew. Luckily, this year they didn’t have to worry about that.

High Risk, High Reward

High Risk, High Reward


High Hopes

The crew needed to be patient and let the pots drag across the ocean floor for a while. The crabs would need some time to climb into the pot before hoisting it from the waters. The trio remained hopeful.

High Hopes

High Hopes


Knowing What To Look For

Having been doing this for quite some time they knew what the local markets and restaurants were after. They needed to get as many crabs as possible. The more crabs they got, the more money their little business would make.

Knowing What To Look For

Knowing What To Look For


No Typical Job

Crab fishing is not your standard 9-5 job. The fishermen who choose to specialize in crab fishing brave freezing cold water 24 hours a day until they have reached the crab quota for that day.

No Typical Job

No Typical Job


Safety Hazard

Crab fishing is no easy feat, and it can become quite dangerous as well. It is actually considered to be one of the most dangerous jobs overall. In the early 2000s, it was decided that new regulations must come into place in order to improve conditions for fishermen and prevent unnecessary fatalities.

Safety Hazard

Safety Hazard


The Supplies Needed

When it comes to crab fishing, having the right equipment is of utmost importance. Our crew was well aware of that fact, and they made sure to have everything they needed. This included 800-pound crab cages, medical supplies in case of emergencies, ample food, and of course, enough space for the crabs they were hoping to catch.

The Supplies Needed

The Supplies Needed


The Crabs

In order to make sure they could properly catch the crabs, they had a plan. One person would man the boat while the other two managed the lines so that they would not become tangled. This was quite routine for them, and they were hard at work. But would their efforts be rewarded?


The Crabs


It All Paid Off

As they drew in the cages, the moment of truth had finally come. The hard work paid off, and it turned out to be their most successful day of the whole season! They high-fived and basked in their success. It was then time to toss the cages back in the water to do it all over again.

It All Paid Off

It All Paid Off


Moving Along

The day had already started with a bang. Mallory, Allan, and Cliff were very close to breaking all their records. Once all the work was completed, they set sail into deeper waters in hopes of finding another lucky spot.

Moving Along

Moving Along


Treading On Thin Ice

Mallory suggested that they should sail farther out into the sea, about four miles away from the shore. The deeper water was icier and a lot more dangerous than the previous spot they had chosen. The crew needed to stay alert.

Treading On Thin Ice

Treading On Thin Ice


Moving Past The Safety Zone

As they considered what Mallory had just suggested, they thought about the choice they were facing. Although venturing out to icier waters was definitely more dangerous, the chances were higher to find lucky fishing spots.

Moving Past The Safety Zone

Moving Past The Safety Zone


Going In Strong

The Labrador Sea is known for its icy waters and icebergs, which could spell disaster for even the most experienced fishermen. One wrong turn could have caused this entire journey to go awry. Luckily, the trio knew what to do.

Going In Strong

Going In Strong


Ready For The Unexpected

The trio had had a great day out at sea. It may have been cold but they worked through it. It was part and parcel of being fishermen in Canada. Being well prepared for anything made their day an even bigger success.

Ready For The Unexpected

Ready For The Unexpected


The Misleading Calm

As they approached the more dangerous territory, the water looked quite calm and relatively peaceful. However, looks can be deceiving. No birds could be seen this far out in the water, and even the seals on the nearby icebergs seemed alert to the dangers surrounding them.

The Misleading Calm

The Misleading Calm


The Danger Ahead

The reason these icy waters were so dangerous was because of the presence of the many icebergs floating around them. Even though they were quite the experienced fishermen, they still had to exercise much caution, as mistakes could be very costly.

The Danger Ahead

The Danger Ahead


The Lookout

Allan was keeping a lookout for any potential dangers. He spotted an enormous iceberg ahead and alerted Mallory and Cliff immediately. While the crew was navigating around the mountainous piece of ice, something else caught Allan’s eye in the distance.


The Lookout


What Could It Be?

The sun was reflecting off the icy surface, making it very difficult for the crew to see further ahead. When Mallory and Cliff checked to see what had caught Allan’s attention, they noticed something strange. What could it have been?

What Could It Be?

What Could It Be?


Wildlife In Labrador

There is a variety of wildlife in their small town including lynx, weasels, and different kinds of foxes. But they normally stay on land and shouldn’t be out at sea. The only creature that could swim out would be a seal.

Wildlife In Labrador

Wildlife In Labrador


Full Steam Ahead

The crew made their way closer to the iceberg to get a better look, but they were still too far away. Mallory thought it may have been a seal lounging on the iceberg, but something about this seal seemed different.

Full Steam Ahead

Full Steam Ahead


Inching Closer

It wasn’t uncommon for the trio to see seals sunbathing on the icebergs in Labrador, so it seemed to be the most logical answer. Cliff agreed with Mallory, but Allan insisted that there was something very strange about the creature.

Inching Closer

Inching Closer


The Only Logical Option

Even though there was something strange about this, everything pointed towards it being a seal. It could have been a sea cub that was stranded out on the iceberg. No other creature could have made it so far from the shore.

The Only Logical Option

The Only Logical Option



Allan took a closer look through the binoculars and told the crew that it didn’t look like a seal at all. The rest of the crew inspected the animal and agreed that Allan was right. It was not a seal.




The Investigation

There was still more work to be done and the temperature had begun to drop, but Allan convinced Mallory and Cliff to sail closer to the iceberg. Going off route was risky, but their curiosity got the best of them.

The Investigation

The Investigation


Possible Danger

When sailing in waters where there are icebergs posing a risk to the sailors and their boat. You can never know what’s below the surface. The iceberg may look small on the surface, but it can be much bigger under the water.

Possible Danger

Possible Danger


Was It Worth The Risk?

The crew was very curious about what was up ahead, but due to the iceberg, there was some concern about the risk involved. Was it worth it to figure out what was going on?

Was It Worth The Risk?

Was It Worth The Risk?


The Plan

As the trio got close to the iceberg, they saw that the small animal had fur and was completely soaked. The winds were picking up quickly and they knew they had to do their best to help the stranded animal.

The Plan

The Plan


The Weather Was Starting To Turn

When you’re out at sea, the wind is never your friend, but especially in icy waters. As the wind was picking up and the temperature was dropping, it not only meant more danger for the stranded animal, but for the crew as well.

The Weather Was Starting To Turn

The Weather Was Starting To Turn


Proceed With Caution

They had to make their way towards the animal slowly. The ice-filled water was extremely dangerous and could have caused the boat to capsize. If they wanted to save the animal without damaging the boat, they needed to be alert.

Proceed With Caution

Proceed With Caution


Constant Vigilance

The weather conditions began to worsen, which made things a bit more complicated for our trio. The boat began to jostle around precariously, and Mallory warned the others to become even more vigilant. Despite this all, they were still curious and excited to find out what was going on.

Constant Vigilance

Constant Vigilance


High Tides

The wind was starting to get stronger and the waves were getting higher too. While the crew was experienced enough to handle the rough sea, they were worried about the animal on the now moving iceberg.

High Tides

High Tides


Could They Get To The Stranded Creature?

It was dangerous enough to try to catch the stranded creature, but because of the wind, the iceberg was drifting further out to sea. The situation was not looking good. Were they just wasting their time in a hopeless situation?

Could They Get To The Stranded Creature?

Could They Get To The Stranded Creature?


No End In Sight

As the rough waves rocked the boat and iceberg, the animal grew more anxious and started pacing back and forth on top of the iceberg. Mallory feared that the animal would try to jump into the icy waters for safety.

No End In Sight

No End In Sight


A Delicate Situation

Mallory also worried that the animal, who was probably already scared and lost, would become even more terrified at the sight of the boat and the crew. They had to make sure to approach the situation in the right way to prevent anything bad from happening.

A Delicate Situation

A Delicate Situation


Pull Out All The Stops

The iceberg was moving further away because of the strong winds and time was running out. The crew had to work quickly if they wanted to get back to shore before dark. The situation was starting to get very dangerous.

Pull Out All The Stops

Pull Out All The Stops


Approaching The Ice

Finally, the crew was making progress. They were close enough to catch a glimpse of the animal. It had four legs and fur, just like a dog, but the crew knew it was not a pup stranded on top of the iceberg.

Approaching Ice

Approaching Ice


Tip Of The Iceberg

As the fishermen got closer, they finally got a clear view of the animal. The helpless animal was an Arctic fox. They didn’t have much time, the fox was shivering and weak, birds had already started to circle above it.

The Tip Of The Iceberg

Tip Of The Iceberg


How Long Had It Been Out There?

They had no way of knowing how long that fox had been stranded there for. It could have even possibly been days, in which case, it must have been hungry and thirsty. Wild animals can act unpredictably when they’re hungry. 

How Long Had It Been Out There?

How Long Had It Been Out There?


The Rescue

The trio made a quick decision to do anything they could to rescue the freezing fox. They needed to come up with a plan, but there was another major problem. Would the stranded fox trust humans enough to save it?

The Rescue

The Rescue


An Animal In Distress

Although the fishermen had the best intentions in mind, they couldn’t exactly explain what they were trying to do to the fox. They were worried that it would not be receptive to their help just due to sheer fear and survival instincts.

An Animal In Distress

An Animal In Distress


A Long Wait

The crew tried to approach the fox like a tame animal, holding out their hands and calling the animal to them. This proved to be unsuccessful. After many failed attempts, all they could do was to be patient and wait.

A Long Wait

A Long Wait


A Feeling Of Helplessness

The fishermen felt helpless at this point because the fox just would not approach them. Yet they knew that the longer they wait the worse the situation could get. They definitely did not want to be caught out at sea at night.

A Feeling Of Helplessness

A Feeling Of Helplessness


Things Were Not Looking Good

The crew started to get really nervous. If the fox would not cooperate soon, they would all be in danger. However, they were determined to save the helpless animal. That meant that they had to figure things out quickly.

Things Were Not Looking Good

Things Were Not Looking Good


Hope In Sight

Eventually, the fox started to make its way to the boat. The animal was too weak to jump from the iceberg into the boat. Allan carefully reached over and lifted it onboard. Finally, the fox was safe – for the moment.

Hope In Sight

Hope In Sight


A Precarious Situation

Although the crew had safely pulled the fox onto the ship, they were not in the clear yet. What would the fox do? Would it cooperate or would it succumb to its instincts and attack?

A Precarious Situation

A Precarious Situation



Just as Mallory had feared earlier, the fox suddenly jumped overboard into the water out of fear. The trio pulled out all the stops to follow the animal and bring it back on board. The fox’s situation started to get worse.




They Were Persistent

The fox followed its natural instincts and tried to get back to the iceberg, but due to the fact that it was so cold, the fox soon began to slow down and lose energy. Allan was ready and picked him up and gently placed the fox back on the boat.

They Were Persistent

They Were Persistent


A Close Call

The crew breathed a sigh of relief when the fox was back on the boat. They were all so nervous that the poor animal’s would be too exhausted and potentially malnourished and would accidentally drown.

A Close Call

A Close Call


They Had To Act Fast

Once the fox was safely brought back onto the boat, the trio knew that they did not have a lot of time to work with. They had absolutely no idea how long the fox had been stranded, and just how bad its health situation might be.

They Had To Act Fast

They Had To Act Fast


Animal Instincts

At first, the little fox was so afraid of its new surroundings that it immediately hid in a corner of the boat. The poor thing must have been so terrified with absolutely no idea what was going on.

Animal Instincts

Animal Instincts



The trio knew that they had to keep the fox warm. Cliff and Allan got the towels ready to dry the fox but they were worried that the wild animal would attack them. None of them knew what to expect.




Not Prepared For This

Mallory had always made it her duty to make sure that they had everything they would need on board. But she would have never known how to plan for something like this. If the animal did bite them, what would they do?

Not Prepared For This

Not Prepared For This


Time Is Ticking

There was no time to waste. Mallory took control and started to steer the boat back to shore, but they were far out at sea. It would take some time. Cliff and Allan were trying to make the animal comfortable.

Time Is Ticking

Time Is Ticking


The Right Move Was Unclear

The crew immediately noticed that the fox deviated to the corner, far away from them. They tried to come up with the best idea in order to make the fox trust them and allow them to help it out.

The Right Move Was Unclear

The Right Move Was Unclear


A Warm Nest

Mallory suggested that the crew make a warm nest for the wet fox. Cliff and Allan found some sawdust and placed it in a plastic bin. Allan gently put the fox inside the bin and positioned it in the sun.

A Warm Nest

A Warm Nest


Safe For Now

After a few minutes passed, the fox fell asleep in the makeshift bed. While it was sleeping, the trio tried to race back to the shore to get more medical attention, but they were still 30 minutes away from land.

Safe For Now

Safe For Now


Not Out Of The Woods Yet

This wild fox was not out of the woods yet. He was lucky enough to have been rescued by these fishermen, but how was his health? The cold and lack of food could have had a detrimental effect on his little body.

Not Out Of The Woods Yet

Not Out Of The Woods Yet


Refusing To Eat

The crew decided it was time to try to feed the fox. They tried to give him fish and even crab, but the fox refused. They crew thought this was quite strange, as the fox must usually eat fish as a regular part of its diet. Did this mean something really bad was going on with the fox?

Refusing To Eat

Refusing To Eat


Viennas For The Win

The tired fox desperately needed some sustenance and the crew was getting really desperate at this point. When Mallory found some Vienna sausages, she offered it to the fox. Luckily, the little animal happily ate the sausages.

Viennas Win

Viennas Win


Finally Some Relief

Now that the fox was eating, the crew could finally breathe a sigh of relief and relax a little bit more. As long as the fox was resting and eating, it was already in better shape than when they first found him.

Finally Some Relief

Finally Some Relief


Heading Back To Land

Now that they had earned the fox’s trust and he was well fed, the crew knew it was the right time to head back to land. After all, the fox couldn’t stay aboard the ship forever!

Heading Back To Land

Heading Back To Land


Safe At Last

At last, the heroic trio docked the boat. The fox was warm, fed, and ready for the next step of the journey. Mallory remembered that there was a safe place near the docks where they could set the fox free.

Safe At Last

Safe At Last


What Should They Do Next?

The crew now faced the dilemma of what the right next step would be. Should they release the fox back into the wild, or should they take him to a vet just in case? Each choice has its merits and downsides, so they really weren’t sure what to do.

What Should They Do Next?

What Should They Do Next?


Dry Land

Even though they considered taking the fox to the vet, ultimately they knew they were dealing with a wild animal. Other than a little wet and dirty, the fox seemed to be in good health.

Dry Land

Dry Land


New Meaning To Catch And Release

All fishermen will tell you that catch and release fishing is more for recreational purposes. Catching and releasing this stranded wild fox was definitely not that. It was more of a life-saving exercise that had a happy ending, which was quite lucky.

New Meaning To Catch And Release

New Meaning To Catch And Release


A New Home

The trio carried the fox to a barren hill that had an old dog house overlooking the sea. This was the perfect spot for a new beginning. The fox quickly began to settle in while it explored its new surroundings.

A New Home

A New Home


Hero Trio

The trio waited until they were sure that the fox was alright. At last, the fox was safe! The fishermen had done their part and it was time to head home. This is a day Allan, Cliff, and Mallory won’t forget!

Hero Trio

Hero Trio


Their Story Went Viral

Mallory and Cliff were so taken with their experience that they felt that they had to share the story on their social media pages. Their posts were shared and quickly became viral. Sometimes, a little kindness goes a long way.

Their Story Went Viral

Their Story Went Viral