Discover What Broke These Two Mothers’ Hearts

Published on November 25, 2019

Too Common of an Occurrence

The story of two mothers raising children that are not their own is becoming too common of an occurrence. Not only is this becoming too common of an experience for unexpecting parents, but the emotional and psychological trauma felt is one that lasts a lifetime. Many who have found themselves in this situation often feel the signs of either not belonging in their existing family or as though there is a part of them that is missing.

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Discovering A Shocking Truth On Air

How Rare is Rare in America?

While our story takes us overseas, in the US, from 1995 to 2008 there were only eight documented baby switches. This number however does not include any possible switches that happen before the family leaves the hospital. Don’t be deceived by the low number however, as there are currently no policies which obligate the hospital to report switches. This has resulted in regulatory bodies within the hospital to keep track of such occurrences.

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Nurse Checking On Babies