Discover What Broke These Two Mothers’ Hearts

Published on November 25, 2019

Mother’s Intuition

Many psychologists are able to fully explain the maternal instinct between a mother and her child, and yet it is one the strongest bonds known to man. When Mother X spoke about knowing her “child” was not her own, it was without a doubt, her mother’s intuition. She knew deep down that the child she was given at the hospital to bring home was not her own and yet, how does one prove this? How does one tell the hospital, the world, that they are not theirs.

Mother's Intuition

Mother’s Intuition

This Isn’t My Baby 

Mother X was confused when, back in 2010, she was handed a baby boy after she clearly remembered giving birth to a little girl and even holding the child in her arms. She handed the baby back to the nurses and told them of their mistake. According to Mother X, the nurses laughed at her and told her she was wrong. Mother X was confused, but she was exhausted from giving birth. Maybe in her exhaustion, her memory was a bit muddled. After all, surely the hospital staff knew what they were doing, right?

Precious Baby

Precious Baby