Mom Thinks She’s Having A Baby, Then Sees The Ultrasound

Published on February 7, 2022

Leah Developed Some Long-standing Complications

While she was able to go home to her parents, Leah developed some complications due to her positioning in the womb with her siblings. She needed additional support from medical staff in order to be able to be released from the NICU, as the nature of the pregnancy affected the growth of her brain. Fortunately, however, her disability is something that can be managed with support from her parents and family.

Lauren And David With Three Of Their Children

Lauren And David With Three Of Their Children

‘Controlled Chaos!’

Lauren has described how quickly and totally her and her husband’s lives changed once they finally had all their babies home, turning things into a state of “controlled chaos.” With a strong support system of friends and family around them, Lauren would prepare formula in advance for each of the children and leave it labeled in the fridge, so that their helpers knew which of the sextuplets it was for. Such organization would prove vital for properly taking care of the six infants.

Lauren And David Sleeping With Some Of Their Children

Lauren And David Sleeping With Some Of Their Children