Mom Thinks She’s Having A Baby, Then Sees The Ultrasound

Published on February 7, 2022

Religion in Nicaragua

While there is no official or state religion in Nicaragua, it is an important part of local culture and life. Traditionally, the majority of the population are Roman Catholic, with other Christian denominations and sects also being represented among the population. Worship of saints in particular is a dominant part of Nicaraguan Christianity in general, and patron saints of various locales and communities are generally thought of as being conduits between the people and God.

Catholic Church In Nicaragua

Catholic Church In Nicaragua

An Epiphany in Paradise?

The following day, as they were preparing to leave the village, the priest pulled Lauren aside, telling her she felt God had big things in store for her. They were unsure what this meant, but had already resolved to try IUI treatment, also know as artificial insemination, when they returned home to Houston- something they had yet to attempt. David and Lauren were not hugely optimistic about the process, but felt they had nothing to lose in trying it.

The Landscape Of Rural Nicaragua

The Landscape Of Rural Nicaragua