Vintage Ads That You Won’t Believe Were Ever Printed

Published on March 14, 2023

Kohler Bathroom Fixtures (1960s)

This bathroom really does scream out 1960’s aesthetic, which makes perfect sense since it is a 60’s Kohler ad. It’s funny to think that the company was advertising avocado colored bathroom appliances. We’re not sure how we feel about avocado colored toilets, but we don’t think this trend will make a comeback anytime soon. At least we hope not.

Kohler Bathroom Fixtures (1960s)

Kohler Bathroom Fixtures (1960s)

Airflow Company (1980s)

While this ad is eye-catching, we think that Airflow Company missed the mark here. Their argument is that although you might “enjoy this scene,” you can deal with a failed air conditioner system by adapting to its new hardware. If people are enjoying the scene, why would they want to change it? The whole thing is strange anyway, who wants to see their co-workers in their bathing suits? That’s seriously awkward.

Airflow Company (1980s)

Airflow Company (1980s)