A Walmart Employee Shows How They Know Exactly When Customers Try Stealing From Self-Checkout

Published on April 13, 2022
With a corporation as large as Walmart, it’s pretty obvious that the company is going to invest a decent amount of their funds into security and loss prevention in order to track and deter shoplifting. They use Loss Prevention Associates surveillance cameras as well as security scanners. The company is also moving towards using artificial intelligence technology to help optimize this process. But did you know that associates actually know when people are shoplifting? Employees have shared that they know exactly what people are up to.

Checkout Situation

In a typical day of shopping at Walmart, customers will line up in order to pay for the items they have spent time collecting. Often, the lines will be long, and cashiers can many times feel overwhelmed by the amount of customers. A customer with a few items might head to the self-checkout counter and then look around, only to see that nobody seems to be paying attention.

Checkout Situation

Checkout Situation

TikTok Truth

A Walmart employee took to TikTok to share how the store’s staff members know who is stealing, or attempting to steal, from the store. The self-checkout system has the capability to keep track of items that are being purchased.

TikTok Truth

TikTok Truth


Pros Of Self-Checkout

Self-checkout stations have become a mainstay at many stores including Walmart, as they help the flow of the check-out process. It’s also to help alleviate stress that some customers experience from waiting in line and prefer to go through the check-out process on their own. Unfortunately, this leads to some customers who think they can outwit the system.

Pros Of Self Checkout

Pros Of Self Checkout


A Loophole?

Some customers think that they can shoplift without being noticed while going through self-checkout. They think that if they do not scan the items before putting them into the shopping bag that they’ll be able to get away with it. However, the self-checkout system is designed to detect this very phenomenon.

A Loophole?

A Loophole?


Trying To Be Sneaky

These potential shoplifters think that because they are using the self-checkout system they’ll be able to get away with sneaking some items without paying. As shared in the employee’s TikTok, the store knows exactly when customers are trying to do this. There are actually built-in methods of detection.

Trying To Be Sneaky

Trying To Be Sneaky


Activity Is Recorded

The TikTok account @walmartgy69, Walmart’s self-checkout tech system that’s in place actually records the customers activity while they’re at the self-checkout counter. So what did the employee share that made the TikTok go viral? Customers were extremely curious to see just how the store is able to detect would-be shoplifting.

Activity Is Recorded

Activity Is Recorded


Activity Is Recorded

Stores typically have a long time before dealing with charges against customers. However, typically Walmart will deal with shoplifters immediately. After a theif is arrested, charges are filed.

They Know

They Know


Real Consequences

People who are arrested for shoplifting might initially believe that they’ll get a slap on the wrist, but that’s actually not the case at all. Walmart is very serious when it comes to shoplifting, and those who are caught are arrested and jailed, even if it’s their first offense. The company doesn’t usually drop any petty theft charges. This is to try to deter would-be thieves, who’ll end up paying a lot more than the cost of the stolen item.

Real Consequences

Real Consequences


Some Excuses

Depending on which state the offense taken, some have the potential of being expunged. However, convictions like a misdemeanor due to shoplifting or minor theft can affect job prospects. Some people might try to use the excuse of “oh, I just forgot to pay for this,” but the self-checkout system actually has a method of determining who has made an honest mistake and who is trying to take advantage of the system.

Some Excuses

Some Excuses


Mistakes Are Discernible

You might wonder what actually does happen if you do accidentally forget to scan something. The loss prevention staff are trained for this very situation. They are able to tell when customers are lying or if they’ve made a mistake. Some customers who have been seemingly getting away with shoplifting actually don’t know one crucial piece of information.

Mistakes Are Discernable

Mistakes Are Discernable


Digital Records

The store has security cameras that record everything digitally. These recordings are always kept on hand and are never destroyed. When employees do inventory checks, they can see when items are missing in the department. Then a loss prevention officer will analyze the recordings. When this happened one time, two individuals were discovered to be shoplifting. The store was then able to match their identities with their license plates and just a few weeks later were apprehended.

Digital Records

Digital Records


Chances Of Getting Caught

It is never a good idea to risk stealing from Walmart and especially self-checkout because the chances of getting caught are quite high. The fact remains that if and when thieves are caught, they end up paying a much higher price, so it truly never seems to be worth it. What did the TikToker say about this?

Chances Of Getting Caught

Chances Of Getting Caught


The Device Used

The TikToker shared an image of the technology used by the store’s employees. The system tracks all of the items in the store. All of these products have a digital recording and are tracked this way, so employees can immediately check any discrepancies.

The Device Used

The Device Used


Made By Zebra Technologies

The technology that the TikToker shared is made by a company called Zebra Technologies. The employee shared that “POV: we know when you’re stealing.” The employee showed a scanning gadget that all of the employees use. Other corporations like Costco used this technology from Zebra as well.

Made By Zebra Technologies

Made By Zebra Technologies


The Device’s Reports

Each of these handheld devices connect all of the employees to the self-checkout systems. Then, employees can see which counters are being used and which ones are open. Then, a detailed report is generated that indicates which items have been scanned and also which items are still in the store.

The Device's Reports

The Device’s Reports


How It Works

The reports make it extremely easy to check if there are any discrepancies as well as very easily figure out which items customers are trying to sneak out. The TikToker also shared that the scanner also tracks products that are removed. This system also notifies employees if customers have asked for assistance on the machine.

How It Works

How It Works


Is It Effective?

While the efficiency of this system is certainly impressive, some are left wondering just how effective the system actually is. Some commenters were even dismissive about the device itself, saying that Walmart’s security is not that serious after all. What were they saying?

Is It Effective?

Is It Effective?


Forgot To Pay

One TikToker shared that he was able to walk out of Walmart with a giant bag of dog food that he forgot to pay for. He said that he forgot about it because it was at the bottom of the cart. Based on stories like this, it seems like there’s a loophole within the system anyway. How many people have been able to get away with things like this?

Forgot To Pay

Forgot To Pay


Another Mistake

Another TikTok user shared that they managed to leave without paying for curtains and that nothing happened to them. Some also shared that they forgot to swipe their card at the end of the self-checkout or even experienced employees forgetting to swipe their credit cards. How can this be?

Another Mistake

Another Mistake


Is That Stealing?

Some people are taking a different approach. They’re saying that they’re not stealing, but rather paying themselves for doing the self-checkout. This makes them not feel guilty about it. So is that justified or is it still stealing?

Is That Stealing?

Is That Stealing?


They’re Too Relaxed

There are some people who are confused by the technology. One TikToker asked if the employees know when people are stealing, why do they simply look at customers who might be trying something without doing anything about it? Is that a good point? What’s actually going on here?

They're Too Relaxed

They’re Too Relaxed


Not Paid Enough

Unfortunately, the reality is that some employees feel that they are simply not paid enough to care. One former employee shared that she would turn a blind eye to the stealing. What do you think about that?

Not Paid Enough

Not Paid Enough


Avoiding Losses

Walmart loses a ton of money each year due to theft. You would think they would do everything in order to stop this from happening. However, according to analysis of the numbers, the most cost efficient thing for the stores to do is to have the equipment necessary to curb the amount of theft from happening. But some people are saying that extra security needs to be added.

Avoiding Losses

Avoiding Losses


The Actual Amount Lost

According to Fortune, Walmart loses an estimated 1% of its expected gains annually to shoplifting. In 2015, Walmart earned more than $300 billion in sales, so that means that their theft losses come out to about $3 billion. That is a massive loss.

The Actual Amount Lost

The Actual Amount Lost


Recent Losses

More recently, in 2020 numbers indicate that Walmart earned $523.96 billion in revenues, so that brings their losses to a staggering $5 billion in potential additional revenue. That certainly explains the investment of the security technology that is used in the stores.

Recent Losses

Recent Losses


Using Technology To Pick Up The Slack

Starting in 2015, Walmart implemented the loss prevention technology they purchased from Zebra Technologies. The company realized there’s only so much that can be done with humans monitoring the situation, so it was time to incorporate technology. The company is trying to take better control of the situation.

Using Technology To Pick Up The Slack

Using Technology To Pick Up The Slack


The Company’s Anti-Theft Budget

As described in Forbes, Walmart has to make an assessment on how much to spent on their anti-theft efforts. If the problem costs $1.5 billion per year, it doesn’t make sense to spend $3.25 billion on trying to deal with this issue. So it seems like it actually seems like turning a blind eye to some petty theft is the smarter economical choice.

The Company's Anti Theft Budget

The Company’s Anti Theft Budget


How Effective Is It?

A police officer commented that Walmart can absolutely do more when it comes to reducing the number of shoplifting cases that take place in the store. He also said that a significant amount of time is spent investigating crimes that take place at Walmart. This is probably what makes people wonder about how effective the store’s security system actually is.

How Effective Is It?

How Effective Is It?


Might Be On Purpose

As mentioned in Forbes, it is in the company’s best interest not to invest as close-to-total asset protection as possible, as this would end up costing them about $3.25 billion. As we know, that’s more than the cost of the total loss, so it doesn’t make sense to actually do more than they’re already doing when it comes to preventing theft. Sometimes it is actually in the company’s best interest to let some people walk out with free curtains.

Might Be On Purpose

Might Be On Purpose


Very Curious

The TikToker’s comment section exploded with comments from curious viewers who were eager to know how employees know when customers are trying to steal. The TikToker continued to share more details about how things take place.

Very Curious

Very Curious


Most Stolen – Cosmetics

While we know that Walmart has invested a lot of money in theft prevention, we saw that sometimes they just turn a blind eye to things disappearing. What about the most stolen items from the store? The number one most stolen type of product is actually cosmetics. Since most of these products are usually very small, we imagine it’s rather simple for people to slip them into their pockets without being noticed.

Most Stolen Cosmetics

Most Stolen Cosmetics


Portable Electronics

Once again, the size of the products make a difference. Electronics are often stolen because it is perceived that they can be resold at a premium price. However, the most stolen electronics at Walmart are the portable ones, for the exact reason that they are easy to move around.

Portable Electronics

Portable Electronics



This might be a surprising one, but one of the most stolen items at Walmart is actually meat. Strange but true. It’s actually been one of the most stolen items at the store for over two decades. Perhaps it’s outside of some people’s budget.





While it would be pretty difficult to walk out of Walmart with a big case of beers, the smaller bottles, which coincidentally tend to be more expensive anyway, are more likely the ones that are stolen frequently. Alcohol is stolen for many reasons in addition to its price. Underage shoplifters also try to steal some drinks as they cannot purchase them legally.




Phone Accessories

Since cell phone accessories are usually small and easy to hide, these are also very popular items to be stolen from Walmart. Some can even be put directly on the shoplifter’s phone and look completely inconspicuous as they walk out.

Phone Accessories

Phone Accessories


Baby Formula

Baby formula is another product that is frequently stolen from Walmart. It can be said that this one is tough, since some parents might be shoplifting this product out of sheer necessity. Still, stealing is stealing, and many Walmart stores have even added security cameras right in front of the baby formula section in order to try to deter thefts.

Baby Formula

Baby Formula



Sunglasses are another accessory that is stolen frequently from Walmart. You can imagine that shoplifters simply remove any tags from the sunglasses, put them on, and then just walk out of the store with no questions asked.




DVDs & Video Games

While DVDs might be less common now, video games are still very popular and so they are often stolen from Walmart stores. They can be easily slipped into a pocket of a jacket, so it’s easy to see how people can walk right out with these.

Video Games

Video Games


Razor Blades

Razor blades are another popular item when it comes to shoplifting. This has caused many stores to actually keep them behind locked glass doors.

Razor Blades

Razor Blades


Over the Counter Medicine

Over the counter medicine is frequently stolen from Walmart stores. It can be inferred that this is due to the fact that people might really need the medicine even if they cannot afford it, which leads them to stealing it.

Over The Counter Medicine

Over The Counter Medicine