For more than 50 years, people have relied on the powerful WD-40 to protect their metals from corrosion and rust. This water and oil displacing spray has a multi-use functionality and includes a unique blend of lubricants to offer protection against your metals corroding and rusting. However, WD-40 does so much more than that. This magical elixir is useful in so many ways that you probably didn’t even know about. That’s why we’re breaking down the various things you can use WD-40 for that we bet you never thought were possible.
Shining Silver
We’ve all wanted to shine our best silver for our guests, but didn’t have the right spray to make these utensils glow until now. Your handy WD-40 has got you covered, as this spray can help bring out that shine with a quick spray and wipe down.
Separating Glasses That Are Stuck Together
Glasses that have been stuck together in a stack can be incredibly frustrating to break apart. Not even the strongest man can separate these glasses. Don’t worry because WD-40 is here to save the day with a simple spray between the glasses.