An Elderly Woman Tries on Her Daughter-in-Law’s Dress, Here’s Why

Published on February 1, 2023

Devising a Plan

Even after the accident, Gina continued to lecture Tracey about the original cost of the dress. She didn’t even comment on the fact that it was her fault that the dress was in the condition that it was in the first place. Tracey could no longer deal with her future mother-in-law’s ridicule and harassment any longer. She decided to come up with a plan to put an end to the woman’s constant judgments of her.

Sad Woman

Sad Woman

Taking to Reddit

Tracey decided to seek some advice on the internet. Reddit was her choice to find people who would share in her feelings for the whole ordeal. She typed out her entire story onto the site and waited for someone to come along with some much-needed advice. Many came to her rescue, reading her story and quickly taking her side while also giving their two-cents and advice on the entire situation. Tracey was interested in what people had to say.

Taking To Reddit

Taking To Reddit