Always Shy
The woman involved in the story, named Iris, is quite an attractive woman who was aware of this fact. However, she had always been shy and was aware that men paid her a lot of attention. Her friends suggested trying a dating app, where she’d have control of who to meet.

Always Shy
Swiping Away
Iris decided to listen to her friends and created an online dating profile. As soon as she started swiping, she noticed that were many rude men on the app. That’s why when she matched with Thomas, it was refreshing to speak with a kind and respectful man.

Swiping Away
Meeting Up
After speaking constantly on the app and eventually switching to texting, Iris and Thomas felt that it was time to meet up. They had been texting for two days straight, so they were excited to meet in person. They went on a date to a cozy bar, and it could not have gone better.

Meeting Up
A Spark
Right from the beginning of their first date, Iris and Thomas knew that they got along. They both felt a spark between them and they were delighted to find out they had so many common interests. After four more dates, the two made it official and decided to be in a relationship with each other.

A Spark
A Surprise Trip
Thomas was absolutely smitten with Iris and after several months of dating, he decided to surprise her with a spontaneous trip. Iris was absolutely shocked and thrilled when he told her about the surprise.

A Surprise Trip
A Second Surprise
Even though they couple had only been together for a few months, Thomas was absolutely sure about Iris. He decided to propose to her while they were on their surprise getaway vacation.

A Second Surprise
She Said Yes
Even though Iris felt that everything was moving rather quickly, she was so into Thomas that she decided to enthusiastically say “yes!” to his proposal. Just a few months before, she was nervously swiping on a dating app, not knowing what was in store for her.

She Said Yes
Quick Nuptials
After their whirlwind trip that ended with a proposal, Iris and Thomas continued to move at lightening speed, and got married shortly after. They had a small ceremony that consisted of their closest friends and family, as they were not interested in a large affair.

Quick Nuptials
A Great Start
Iris and Thomas’ marriage was off to a wonderful start. They spent a lot of time together and took many weekend trips. However, reality eventually had to set in and Thomas’ demanding job changed the course of the marriage.

A Great Start
Trouble In Paradise
The fact that Thomas was both ambitious and handsome is part of why Iris was so into him. Similarly, Iris’ beauty instantly drew Thomas in. From the outside, they looked like a perfect, beautiful young newlywed couple. But things were about to take a turn for the worse…

Trouble In Paradise
Buying A Home
Six months into their marriage, Iris and Thomas decided it was time to purchase a home together. They both did not renew their leases on their apartments, set up a mortgage, and bought their new home. It did not take long for them to find the house they would live in together.

Buying A Home
Bad News
Although his marriage was going well, professionally, Thomas hit a difficult road block. The company he was working for was not doing well financially, and as a part of cost-cutting measures, Thomas was let go from his position.

Bad News
Money Woes
Now that Thomas has lost his job, the couple was suddenly thrown into financial disarray. They no longer had the stability they had gotten used to, and now they had to worry about a mortgage. This led to tension and many disagreements as well.

Money Woes
The Job Search
Thomas immediately began looking for a new job as he wanted to return to the workforce as soon as possible. He filled out and sent many applications, hoping that a new job would bring stability back to their finances and their marriage.

The Job Search
Always Jetting Off
While Thomas was working at his company, he had to travel rather frequently for work, and it meant a lot less time spent with Iris. As an insurance agent, work meant a lot of travel, but at the very least he was compensated well with a good salary.

Always Jetting Off
Weekend Routines
The amount of travel he was doing meant that Thomas did not get to spend as much time with Iris as he hoped he would. He started feeling quite guilty every time he had to travel, but he made sure they spent time together on the weekends when he was home.

Weekend Routines
Supportive Wife
Even though Thomas’ travels took him far, he was comforted by the fact that Iris was a supportive wife. He was also comforted by the fact that his demanding job paid him well. He thought that he could use some of the money he earned to show Iris how grateful he was for her.

Supportive Wife
He Couldn’t Handle It
During one of his work trips, Thomas received a text from Iris that brought tears to his eyes. This led him to consider quitting his job even though he enjoyed it very much. But he couldn’t stop thinking about how little time he had with Iris and how tired he was when they were together.

He Couldn’t Handle It
The Stress Got To Them
Despite their initial happiness and support, eventually the stress of travel got to them, and they began to fight a lot while Thomas was away on a trip. Iris tried being supportive but found that she had reached a breaking point. During one trip, she sent him an angry text, which was the final straw.

The Stress Got To Them
Staying Positive
Despite all of this upheaval, Thomas tried his best to stay positive. He knew that he was capable of finding a new job with a great salary and keep up with the mortgage payments.

Staying Positive
Keeping In Touch
While Thomas was away during the weeks he was working, he and Iris would stay in touch mainly through texting each other. They also spoke on the phone daily and counted down the days until the weekends.

Keeping In Touch
Post Work Destress
Often whilst Thomas was on work trips, after a long day he would head to a bar in order to unwind. The stress of being away from Iris coupled with long working days away from home caused him to need a drink to loosen up. While at the bar, he frequently met interesting people.

Post Work Destress
Nothing Happened
During one of his work trip, Thomas was out at a bar when he met a woman that he was quite interested in speaking with. As Thomas’ boss was paying for drinks that night, he invited the woman to come chat with him and his co-workers.

Nothing Happened
Staying Faithful
Even though the woman was very interesting and he enjoyed speaking with her, Thomas remained faithful to Iris. He turned down the woman’s invitation to go up to her hotel room, politely declining due to the fact that he was a married man.

Staying Faithful
The Photo
One day, Thomas and Iris were texting as usual and were discussing their plans for the week. That was when Iris decided to send Thomas the photo that would end up changing their lives forever.

The Photo
Bar Couch
The photo showed Iris sitting on a bar sofa, which didn’t seem anything out of the ordinary. Outside the visible window, it looked like a sunny day. But then Thomas took a closer look, and after noticing one critical detail, immediately became furious and even started crying.

Bar Couch
The Photo Says It All
Thomas noticed something in the corner of the picture. Iris was in a relaxed pose, but she forgot about one tiny detail. Instantly, Thomas’ feelings for Iris began to change, and it was clear that everything was about to fall apart.

The Photo Says It All
Living A Lie
Thomas noticed that Iris was not wearing her wedding ring, and it was instead replaced with a totally different ring. He realized that she had been living a double life while he was away, and he knew he had no choice but file for divorce.

Living A Lie
Everything Was Upside Down
Thomas was absolutely heartbroken. One minute, he was texting his wife, the next, his entire life was completely changed forever. After examining the photo, he wasn’t sure how Iris could have done this to him. Could this be the same Iris he loved?

Everything Was Upside Down
The Hard Truth
It was all too much for Iris: the loneliness, the fighting, the money stress. At a certain point, she began having an affair. She tried to hide her second man, but eventually she slipped up and Thomas discovered the truth.

The Hard Truth
No Forgiveness Now
At this point, Thomas was too hurt and felt too betrayed, so he did not consider forgiving Irish at all. He realized that she had been betraying him for so long that it sent him into a bout of depression.

No Forgiveness Now
Shocked Surprise
A few months after Thomas’ divorce went through, he decided to take a trip to get his mind off of the past few months’ events. While spending time at a bar, he looked up to see a huge surprise.

Shocked Surprise
A Different Place
Thomas chose the city to visit without thinking too much about it. He made sure to visit a place where he had not gone with Iris, since he didn’t want to be anywhere that would remind him of her. He just wanted to get away and be alone.

A Different Place
A True Angel
As Thomas looked up, he noticed a young woman entering the bar. After a split second, he realized that he actually knew her. The woman’s name was Angel, and the two had been childhood friends. He quickly rushed over to say hello.

A True Angel
Total Coincidence
Thomas specifically chose to visit this city because he did not know anyone there. He had no idea that he would suddenly run into an old friend who he had not seen in years. He was surprised at how excited he was to see Angel.

Total Coincidence
What’s even more interesting is that Thomas and Angel had dated while in high school. In their last year of school. Angel’s parents had to move abroad for work, and they separated. When Thomas was with Iris, he didn’t even think about Angel. But now that he was with her, his heart was suddenly fluttering again.

Following His Heart
Thomas immediately knew that he wanted to speak to Angel. He realized that he was in luck, as she seemed to be alone, so he did not feel like he was interrupting too much. She immediately recognized him and smiled as she saw him.

Following His Heart
Incredible Conversation
Angel had just finished work and stopped by the bar for a drink. The two started to catch up and eventually Thomas opened up and shared details of his divorce with Angel. She was quite hopeful that Thomas would be single, and she was in luck.

Incredible Conversation
Time Flew
Angel and Thomas were having such a wonderful time catching up that before they knew it, the bar was starting to close up. Their conversation had carried for hours without them noticing. Angel then asked Thomas a question he could not believe.

Time Flew
A New Chapter
Angel asked Thomas if he wanted to come have a drink at her place. The pair walked there, holding hands. Thomas was so happy he was finally moving on and starting a new life with his childhood friend Angel.

A New Chapter
Love In The Digital Age
Nowadays, when we include so many details of our lives online, often we don’t think about the long term implication of online sharing. As relationships change, photos we may have posted can have changed meanings, as it did with this doomed couple.

Love In The Digital Age
Date At The Beach
While in college, Naya Stephenson met a guy and quickly fell in love. THe two dated for 9 months. They decided to go on a picnic together, and out of excitement, Naya tweeted: “I cannot wait to meet my boyfriend in July.”

Date At The Beach
Some Trouble
As far as social media goes, if you saw her post, you’d think that the two lovebirds were happy in love. Just one day after she shared the love-up photo, the couple had broken up.

Some Trouble
Not Getting Down
Although a lot of people in her situation would be embarrassed, Naya kept up good spirits and was able to laugh at the situation.

Not Getting Down
People’s Reactions
While the internet is known for harsh criticisms, most people were impressed by Naya’s calm reaction to the situation. People tweeted her in support and were impressed by how transparent she was being.

People’s Reactions
Why The Breakup?
After all that, people were curious about why Naya and her ex-boyfriend broke up in the first place. In an interview, she said that they had disagreed in a conversation about racism and policing. She said they had “lengthy” discussions that left them feeling that they were too different.

Why The Breakup?
Naya Explains
In the same interview, Naya explained: “I didn’t always trust his perspective as a non-black person of colour on these issues, though I realize I should have tried to more. Our disagreement on this bothered me, and caused me to subconsciously doubt him.”

Naya Explains
He Broke Up With Her
She continued: “He broke up with me because he felt that we wouldn’t ever get out of the pattern of me ‘doubting his politics,’ and though I’d made better efforts to trust him, he didn’t think it was enough.”

He Broke Up With Her
Still Friendly
However, the two are still on good terms. According to Naya: “He thinks it’s really funny, and he’s glad people are supporting me. It’s almost like we didn’t break up. He still tells me he loves me, texts me all the time, etc. ‘If he’s reading this, I want him to know that we could work things out.”

Still Friendly
A Comeback?
It’s possible that the two could actually get back together, since Naya and her ex-boyfriend have such good attitudes about the whole situation. We hope these young lovebirds will figure things out!

A Comeback?
Complicated Situations
If you’re open about your relationship on social media, sometimes that means having to deal with awkward situations if the two of you break up. Many wonder if they should erase evidence of the relationship or even make an announcement about it.

Complicated Situations
The Idea
Bach, a Western Michigan University student, was faced with a breakup and decided to handle things a bit differently. He wanted to share one last post with his ex-girlfriend. The two chose to have a breakup photoshoot.

The Idea
Crying And Laughing
In an interview with Mashable, Bach explained his experience with the breakup and the breakup photoshoot. He said the idea initially stated as a joke but “It ended up being really real emotions and we got kind of sad.”

Crying And Laughing
Their Breakup
Bach and his ex-girlfriend started dating in high school. They were together for three and a half years when they started college and decided that the relationship was over. A year after breaking up, they decided to go for the breakup photoshoot.

Their Breakup
Using A Tripod
If you were wondering who actually took these photos, it’s Bach himself. He used a tripod and managed to take all of the photos without recruiting any outside help. When he reached out to his ex with the idea, he was fully prepared for her to think it was ridiculous. However, she actually agreed to do it.

Using A Tripod
An Explanation
A lot of people asked Bach why he would ever want to go through such an ordeal with his ex-girlfriend. Bach explained his reasoning: “I see my friends who are in relationships doing really nice professional photography photoshoots.”

An Explanation
Same But Different
Bach wondered why it was okay for people to post sappy relationship photos that are often staged and why he couldn’t share a photoshoot that reflected the reality of many couples’ everyday lives.

Same But Different
Circulating The Web
Shortly after the two finished their photoshoot and posted the pictures on Facebook, the photoshoot quickly went viral. Bach’s friend then posted the photos on Twitter, and they quickly gained traction online.

Circulating The Web
Funny Responses
As always, people on the Internet had many opinions. Of course, a lot of people came up with funny captions for the photos. For example, one user mockingly captioned this photo: “When your girlfriend comes back from the war but she’s not the same.”

Funny Responses
His Friend’s Post
This was the post that helped Bach’s story go viral. He had no idea while taking these photos just how far they would circulate around the web. We admire how civil these two were towards one another post-breakup.

His Friend’s Post