40 Reasons Australia is the Land of “Nope”

Published on October 20, 2019

At Least They Warn You

Australia is well-known for its gorgeous beaches, and visitors to Oz are certainly eager to get into the water. But, what would you do if you were running to the waves and you saw this sign? At least they are giving us fair warning that there are giant jelly fish in the water that are out to get us and wrap their stinging tentacles around our legs…no thanks. We will pass on this and go get an ice cream instead.

Fair Warning?

Fair Warning?

Australia Takes it to Extremes

We seriously don’t even know how people can survive in Australia! This country really takes everything to extremes, including its storms. Just look at this massive lightning storm that is blowing up the sky. It literally looks like it is trying to destroy the land right underneath it. If you see this, take cover. The lightning is just one more thing in Australia that could kill you.

Lightning Storms

Lightning Storms