Airport Staff Share Fascinating Details Of Their Jobs

Published on May 18, 2020

The Strangest Contraband

One of the most interesting and strangest parts of being an airport worker is being able to see all of the contraband that is confiscated from passengers trying to sneak things illegally onto their flight. Airport workers have shared that they enjoy posting about the bizarre items they’ve taken away in order to try to deter others from doing the same.

The Strangest Contraband

The Strangest Contraband

A Security Swab

One way to determine if a passenger has been handling a banned item such as narcotics is by swabbing their palms with a wipe that then gets analyzed by a machine in order to identify what they person has come into contact with. If something suspicious comes up, then the passenger’s personal belongings are searched.

A Security Swab

A Security Swab