Airport Staff Share Fascinating Details Of Their Jobs

Published on May 18, 2020

The Automated Luggage System

You might not know this, but your luggage is sorted by a special machine that is automated. The system ensure that bags make it from check-in to departures through connection flights, and then from arrivals until baggage claim. This is done by scanning the codes on the sticker placed on your luggage, so many sure to take off any old ones to avoid confusion!

The Automated Luggage System

The Automated Luggage System

Security Inconsistencies

While each passenger is treated the same way while moving through the airport and is subjected to a security check, not all airport workers have to do the same. This means that some workers can potentially abuse this privilege, and there have been some incidents that involved airport workers smuggling illegal substances into the airport.

Security Inconsistencies

Security Inconsistencies