Airport Staff Share Fascinating Details Of Their Jobs

Published on May 18, 2020

A Case Of Mistaken Destination

While it seems like it wouldn’t be possible, airline workers admitted that some passengers end up heading to the wrong destination from time to time. For example, two passengers who meant to travel to Rome, Italy, ended up on a flight to Reus, Spain. Unfortunately, the mistake was caught only after the plane had taken off.

A Case Of Mistaken Destination

A Case Of Mistaken Destination

The Truth About Oxygen Masks

Hopefully none of us have experienced an instance when the airplane’s emergency masks were needed. However, what you might not know is that these masks only allow for 15 minutes of oxygen flow. Luckily, this allows for plenty of time for the pilot to ensure that the plane is back to safe levels of pressure.

The Truth About Oxygen Masks

The Truth About Oxygen Masks