Airport Staff Share Fascinating Details Of Their Jobs

Published on May 18, 2020

Avoiding Escalation

Airports harbor many stressful feelings for many reasons. In addition to nervousness about flying and general life stress, many people choose to drink while waiting to get onto their flights. For this reason and for security reasons, airport workers are constantly monitoring everyone in order to avoid situations that may escalate. You should know that you’re pretty much always being watched while at the airport.

Avoiding Escalation

Avoiding Escalation

The Non-Stop Kitchens

The kitchens of dining establishments in airports don’t usually close down, as many airports tend to have flights that go around the clock. There are about 36.8 million flights per year, with at least 100 times that many passengers, meaning a lot of food needs to be generated for hungry travelers.

The Non-Stop Kitchens

The Non-Stop Kitchens