Woman’s Bed Sheets Not Washed in 100 Years

Published on November 19, 2019

The Jamaica Inn, Smuggler’s Paradise

The Jamaica Inn was originally built in 1750 and was widely used by smugglers of the era. For those who are not familiar, smugglers transport stolen or banned items, they did not steal the items themselves. This was usually left to pirates. The Inn was historically used to change horses, making it a staging inn. Thanks to the illicit nature of the smugglers and the long history of the inn, it has become one of the most famous haunted buildings in the UK.

The Jamaica Inn As It Is Today

The Jamaica Inn As It Is Today

Not Entirely Original

Like many old buildings, the Jamaica Inn has had its share of renovations over the years. The most significant was done in the mid-20th century and added on to the original structure while preserving the building itself. These renovations added a few additional rooms and areas for a gift shop and museum. Needless to say, the hauntings occur in the original building, not the renovated sections.

The Jamaica Inn Before The Rennovations Were Done

The Jamaica Inn Before The Renovations Were Done