People Who are Not Having Their Best Days Ever

Published on November 17, 2019

The Cabinet Debacle

Most houses are built with the highest level of safety in mind. From the structure to the tiles, from the cabinets to the doors, each bit is planned out to ensure the utmost perfection. It’s unclear whether or not this was a homeowner error or a construction error, but whatever was responsible certainly didn’t bother to uphold the usual pursuit to safety. The fact every single cabinet in that line dislodged from the wall, it makes you wonder what else isn’t up to code?

Broken Cabinets

Broken Cabinets

Red on Red

Without firetrucks, we’d all be gathering in droves, buckets filled with water in hand, splashing it onto the fire in order to put out the fire. They are always there to put out a growing fire, armed with a pressurized water hose. It’s always a bit shocking to see the one vehicle used to fight fires having to fight a fire of its own. The million-dollar question is, should the truck put out its own fire, or call for backup?

Firetruck On Fire

Firetruck On Fire