People Who are Not Having Their Best Days Ever

Published on November 17, 2019

Morning Joe

The morning cup of coffee has become a regular start to the typical American’s day. The hot cup of joe filled with caffeine puts to be the grogginess one feels after waking up the next day, however, some people continue with that sluggishness all the way up to when the cup is made. The person must have woken up on the wrong side of the bed, and now that beautiful cup of morning sunshine is now spilled all over the kitchen counter.

Coffee Spilled Next To A Coffee Maker

Coffee Spilled Next To A Coffee Maker

Oil Spill

Olive oil, to most, is considered a major health food in preparing many things. From a topping on a salad to scrambling eggs, it’s thought of as a hail marry when it comes to cooking. The bottles aren’t cheap, with many spending upwards of around $6 to $13 a bottle for the stuff, it’s pretty well sought after. The unfortunate tragedy of having the entire stock broken and leaking out all over the grocery store floor will leave many without their miracle oil for quite some time.

Olive Oil Spilled In A Store

Olive Oil Spilled In A Store