People Who are Not Having Their Best Days Ever

Published on November 17, 2019

White Water Rafting 

Rafting on the open waters can be both an enjoyable and dangerous activity. The water can get pretty treacherous; anything can happen while you’re having fun, and turn a wonderful day into a nightmare. The man in the back of the raft is having the worst day of his life, being thrown overboard while his friends are none the wiser. Luckily, he has a life vest; let’s all hope the current doesn’t take him too far from civilization.

Man Falling Out Of Raft

Man Falling Out Of Raft

Leg in the Hole

Most believe there is nothing safer than being in your own home. No one expects their home to turn on them and force them through the floor, feet first. The ceiling looks sturdy, but looks can be deceiving. It is unclear if the man was doing renovations to his home or if the floor just gave way, but it is an unfortunate situation nonetheless. It may be time to either by a new home or get an inspector to look for any other violations.

Man Through Ceiling

Man Through Ceiling