People Who are Not Having Their Best Days Ever

Published on November 17, 2019

An Embarrassing Situation

Obesity is on the rise all around the world, climbing past worrying numbers with 39.6% being in the U.S. alone. Most blame the American diet for our expanding waistlines. No matter the reason or method of how a particular person reached their size, it’s never comforting to hear that you’re too big to fit inside a standard medical device. One can only imagine how the person felt hearing that he’d have to use a machine used to weigh in animals.



A Golden Chance

Football is one of the most popular sports in America, with an average of 16.5 million attending the games, and 260 million tuning in through television. Tickets can get rather expensive, so whenever there is an opportunity to win tickets to a big game, most jump at the opportunity. For one man, the opportunity was missed. He discovered the box of soap given to him a few years prior after purchasing it from a charity, contained a voucher to claim free tickets.

Golden Ticket

Golden Ticket