The Beverly Hillbillies Like You’ve Never Seen Them Before

Published on November 7, 2019

A Cameo Appearance

The show was very popular, so much so that even the biggest names in Hollywood started showing up for cameos. One episode in particular, called “The Indians are Coming” had Granny going on about how she wished John Wayne would appear to help. Lo and behold, the real John Wayne did show up on the episode, much to the satisfaction of fans everywhere. The cameo solidified the show as one of the most successful of its time.


The Legend

A Smart Move

You would imagine that having cameos from big stars would become pretty expensive. Even though the show could have afforded it, some celebrities were coaxed into cameos in other ways. John Wayne, for example, only asked for a fifth of whiskey to settle his payment. Back in the day, it’s clear things were less about money and more about the fun opportunities that you could be a part of. Safe to say the show got way more than they bargained for with a small amount of whiskey.


A Shot of Whiskey