Rude Bosses Shamed for Unfriendly Behavior

Published on October 16, 2019

Décor Choices

When these employees arrive for work one day, they were shocked at what they noticed. Rather than their usual desks and office chairs, their boss had switched things around. Now, they all had saddle chairs, dressers, and sheets of glass to work with. This change happened with no warning and no explanation. The employees were all confused about why they had to deal with this strange new setup at their office, that’s for sure. I guess they could consider it an interesting choice in décor.

New Desk

New Desk

Working Hard

When you’re doing hard labor or working with your hands, it’s probably not the best idea to wear rings or other jewelry. Most construction workers know this and try to avoid losing too much of their personal property. However, one manager simply couldn’t go without his expensive green diamond ring. He worked laying asphalt, which resulted in this sticky situation with his $50,000 ring. Needless to say, the boss’ reputation with his employees definitely wasn’t aided by this interesting slip-up.

Boss’ Ring

Boss’ Ring