Man Builds Abandoned Puppies Beautiful Homes

Published on October 24, 2019

Building A Roof

This intricate pile of sticks is starting to look more like a house. Here we see our wilderness man hard at work laying down a roof for this home. The materials he is using is one part grass to two parts mud mixed with water until it reaches the right consistency. This mud mixture dries in the sun, so it is essential to have structures built with this material in direct sunlight in order to dry properly. It appears he’s even added windows to the house.

Mud Roof

Mud Roof

Using What Nature Has To Offer

Our wilderness man exclusively uses materials that nature has provided him. The only tools he uses are his own two hands. He gathers materials such as bamboo, leaves, stones, and water from the countryside in Thailand where he lives. He aims to not only save animals but show people how to use their natural resources. He wants people to get in touch with their roots of making what they need from scratch. He’s probably making it seem much easier than it looks.

Thailand Countryside

Thailand Countryside