A Couple With A Devastating Secret

Published on November 14, 2019

What Happened Next For Jodie And Charlie?

Jodie was afraid to tell her husband her newfound truth. That she was in love with a woman named Kristine. When she finally did work up the courage, Charlie was not angry at all. In fact, he was happy for her. He confessed to her that he had been attracted to men his whole life but never had the courage to accept he was gay. The couple has since split up, and Jodie is continuing to date Kristine.

Jodie On Oprah

Jodie On Oprah

Oprah Continues To Help The LGBTQ Community

Isn’t that what we all love about Oprah? She never stops giving! Although her talk show has come to an end, Oprah’s voice is still heard in popular media today. Oprah has her own network and still publishes her ever-popular magazine. She publishes LGBTQ friendly articles that promote health, raise awareness, and invites people to explore the many organizations in place to help the LGBTQ community. Her tv network does the same thing, especially during gay pride month..

Oprah Winfrey

Oprah Winfrey