A Couple With A Devastating Secret

Published on November 14, 2019

Chris Is Nearly In Tears

Tears well up in her eyes as Chris recalls the moment she came out to her husband. “Coming out” is when an LGBTQ person reveals their orientation. It is a difficult time for most, as many fear rejection or worse. Having a husband certainly didn’t make the ordeal any easier. Chris loved her family, and her kids were her world. She felt as though she was ruining their lives with her secret, and it made her feel immensely guilty. 

Chris Coming Out

Chris Coming Out

The Struggles of Coming Out 

There is often a stigma associated with coming out. Some believe coming out can only be done at a young age because, by the time you are an adult, you have life figured out. This is not true. In the situation of Chris, while she loved her husband and her life, there was a gnawing inside that she could not shake off. Coming out is a struggle and battle that many members of the LGBTQ community often feel. They feel as though they are letting their friends and family down when, in reality, this is far from the truth. For Chris, she learned that even though she had a secret, she would have the support of her children and soon-to-be ex-husband.

Coming Out

Coming Out