Get To Know The Culture Of The Amish People

Published on February 20, 2022

Fully Autonomous

Even thought the Ordnung is the strict rulebook on how to conduct one’s life, it can and does differ from one district to another, as each Amish district is technically a different chuch. The diverse groups have rules as they see fit in order to suit their community, though there are many general rules that apply to a majority of districts.

Fully Autonomous

Fully Autonomous

What’s Rumspringa?

Rumspringa is the rite of passage for many Amish adolescents that usually takes place between the ages of 14 and 16. Since most Amish communities are intentionally insular and segregated from other communities, Rumspringa allows teenagers the opportunity to explore rule breaking without severe condemnation. At the end of this period, each individual is allowed to choose whether or not they want to become baptized or leave the community. Interestingly about about 85-90% of people decide to become baptized and join the church.

What's Rumspringa?

What’s Rumspringa?